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"How to use fractionation in seduction"

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Have you ever heard of this?

I am assuming some people apply these methods without out even being aware that are doing it but it makes sense that it causes addictive feelings and a roller coaster of emotions..


Some of the examples include..


-First, hack into a woman’s mind by building emotional rapport.


- And then,

“Trigger” off attraction by making her go through a roller coaster ride of emotions.


It says if you come on strong at first and make her dependant on your compliments and approval just to feel good about herself and then take it away she will crave it and come after you trying to get more.


Says to keep the woman confused about your true feelings to keep her on the cycle or highs and lows, that roller coaster is what gets her addicted, gets her to think about you constantly and do what you ask because she is always looking for approval since she never knows when she will get and what to expect.

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I had a boyfriend who tried this on me. It didn't work as I'm not much into roller coaster rides.:)

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To sum-up, isn't it just " play game" or "push pull".


It is an old card, very old trick. just like the PONZI scheme...old trick, people/women should not be fooled that anymore.


Have you ever heard of this?

I am assuming some people apply these methods without out even being aware that are doing it but it makes sense that it causes addictive feelings and a roller coaster of emotions..


Some of the examples include..


-First, hack into a woman’s mind by building emotional rapport.


- And then,

“Trigger” off attraction by making her go through a roller coaster ride of emotions.


It says if you come on strong at first and make her dependant on your compliments and approval just to feel good about herself and then take it away she will crave it and come after you trying to get more.


Says to keep the woman confused about your true feelings to keep her on the cycle or highs and lows, that roller coaster is what gets her addicted, gets her to think about you constantly and do what you ask because she is always looking for approval since she never knows when she will get and what to expect.

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All toxic relationships( affairs or even ones without a third party) include the rollercoaster ride. The push-pull(we have to separate/I can't live without you come back). The uncertainty,the longing, the manipulation, the "we are meant to be together but so many obstacles" and many times a 3rd party.


Read the book "The Art of seduction". Keeping someone emotionally insecure, not knowing what can happen from day to day,making them long for you through intermittent time together plays havoc with mind and emotions like no other "Normal" relationships.


this is why "normal" relationships seems so boring to many people. They are too predictable. There is no longing. It took a long time for me to realize the 2 men I put on a pedestal was not because they were so great. But because I lived the emotional rollercoaster with intermittent rewards,push/pull,"we were meant to be" " I love you more than I ever thought possible"bullcrap while their actions were contrary.


Sort of like a lab rat. You become addicted to the high highs and low lows. NO MORE!!!!bI got healthy. I know what a good relationship is now. Bu I thought pain,uncertainty meant love. So sad so much time wasted on not understanding the value of calm,predictable love.

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Have you ever heard of this?

I am assuming some people apply these methods without out even being aware that are doing it but it makes sense that it causes addictive feelings and a roller coaster of emotions..


Some of the examples include..


-First, hack into a woman’s mind by building emotional rapport.


- And then,

“Trigger” off attraction by making her go through a roller coaster ride of emotions.


It says if you come on strong at first and make her dependant on your compliments and approval just to feel good about herself and then take it away she will crave it and come after you trying to get more.


Says to keep the woman confused about your true feelings to keep her on the cycle or highs and lows, that roller coaster is what gets her addicted, gets her to think about you constantly and do what you ask because she is always looking for approval since she never knows when she will get and what to expect.


This isn't love at all, it's a sick and twisted game play by someone (either man or woman) who is selfish and wants total control. It's unhealthy and does damage, creates lots of anxiety and pain, heartache and confusion, let alone takes a big bite out of someones self esteem.


This is what narcissists and players do. Not people truly in love.

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Have you ever heard of this?

I am assuming some people apply these methods without out even being aware that are doing it but it makes sense that it causes addictive feelings and a roller coaster of emotions..


Some of the examples include..


-First, hack into a woman’s mind by building emotional rapport.


- And then,

“Trigger” off attraction by making her go through a roller coaster ride of emotions.


It says if you come on strong at first and make her dependant on your compliments and approval just to feel good about herself and then take it away she will crave it and come after you trying to get more.


Says to keep the woman confused about your true feelings to keep her on the cycle or highs and lows, that roller coaster is what gets her addicted, gets her to think about you constantly and do what you ask because she is always looking for approval since she never knows when she will get and what to expect.


When it's consciously done, it's usually done by manipulators, narcissists and sociopaths.

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The only man i fell in love with did that to me... All other man and the current man is too predicatble and I am not so much in love. It looks like its true...Otherwise why I would fell in love with an unpredicatble man...It was unconsious though..

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All toxic relationships( affairs or even ones without a third party) include the rollercoaster ride. The push-pull(we have to separate/I can't live without you come back). The uncertainty,the longing, the manipulation, the "we are meant to be together but so many obstacles" and many times a 3rd party.


Read the book "The Art of seduction". Keeping someone emotionally insecure, not knowing what can happen from day to day,making them long for you through intermittent time together plays havoc with mind and emotions like no other "Normal" relationships.


this is why "normal" relationships seems so boring to many people. They are too predictable. There is no longing. It took a long time for me to realize the 2 men I put on a pedestal was not because they were so great. But because I lived the emotional rollercoaster with intermittent rewards,push/pull,"we were meant to be" " I love you more than I ever thought possible"bullcrap while their actions were contrary.


Sort of like a lab rat. You become addicted to the high highs and low lows. NO MORE!!!!bI got healthy. I know what a good relationship is now. Bu I thought pain,uncertainty meant love. So sad so much time wasted on not understanding the value of calm,predictable love.


OK, not to be lame but there is a moment in the TV show Scandal (much of the show centers around an affair) where the OW says: "I don't want normal and easy and simple. I want painful, difficult, devastating, life-changing, extraordinary love."


The character she says this to tries to explain to her that none of those things are real love or what love should be like. All of this really hits home for me. I struggle with this every day of my life and have in every single relationship I've ever had. When I look back at the "great loves" of my (short) life all of those relationships were complicated and never secure.


I simply can't (or won't) fall for the nice guy who wants to give me the world and treat me right. And I really really need to evaluate this and change it.

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