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Shy guys needs simple advice about girls

College Guy

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Hey quick question, I'm a really shy guy until I get to know any girl somewhat well. I am like your average church going guy, my turnoffs are girls that get drunk at parties, like to be the center of attention between alot of guys, and dont' have somewhat decent morals. I pretty much just talk and hang out, and don't flirt with new girls that I meet. The only way I flirt much is if I am in a relationship with someone. It seems that you can't get a girlfriend without flirting alot, like tickling, giving her a massage, and other things that involve much touching. I wanna know what the females think of this? Is it necessary if you are to move from friends to more than friends?


Secondly, there's this girl in school that appears from a distance to be what I am looking for. I am having trouble with finding a way to meet her, she isn't in any of my classes, but once in awhile I see her walking down the hall. I say hi every time she walks by, and that's about all the farther it gets. She also lives in the same dorm as me. Should I just walk down to her door and ask her if she wants to go get some food sometime? That seems strange to me...I see her alot, but we don't talk to each other. I'm sure we probably know each other's names, but we have never been introduced. What should my move be?

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Just ask her if she'd like to hang out. Make it casual not like a date and see how she reacts. If she says yes and goes through with it then she probably has some kind of interest in you. You will never know until you ask. Just aproach her and say something like "I see you around and awful lot, isn't your name___? Then ask her a dumb question about a class or a social gathering coming up or something and then see if she'd like to hang out sometime."


Don't come off too desperate though or she'll be turned off.

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Originally posted by College Guy

It seems that you can't get a girlfriend without flirting alot, like tickling, giving her a massage, and other things that involve much touching. I wanna know what the females think of this? Is it necessary if you are to move from friends to more than friends?



This sounds junior high schoolish. I don't think it is necessary. If you meet a girl you like just ask her out to a movie or to get a coke or something. Look her in the eyes, shy people tend to avoid direct eye contact and that makes it seem as if you have no self confidence. Look her in the eye and smile. You don't have to be all touchy-feely.


As for the other girl -- I second what gwennebe said. You might not have any classes with her, but maybe you are both taking some of the same classes - just at different times. Why not ask her about her classes and if you both are taking the same thing you can suggest a study date. But 'cha really got to do some studying! :)

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