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Wife's Infidelity with My Best Friend

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Hello. Thank you all for your supporting comments. As of now I am too upset and mad at this recent discovery of my wife's affair. When some of the pain alleviates I will return to responding to your replies, OK?


Take two Tylenol..it alleviates pain.


Hope you're ok

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I am trying to sort some of this out thru my pain. I have no plans to do anything for now except stay away from my wife. Once I maybe confront my wife and ex-friend I will find out how this happened. I will say this that if my ex-friend has consummated the affair with my wife my marriage will definitely be over.



Well, start writing up those divorce papers! Because if she was braised and comfortable enough to kiss him passionately at a party that you were at, I speculate her and Phil have met outside of these parties a few times. Could be that Tara and Phil are swingers. Sounds like Tara was running point for Phil to keep you busy while he got busy with your wife.



And now....bunnies might be hopping around here because this sounds like something out of penthouse letters.

Edited by Chi townD
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I wonder if Tara was distracting you on purpose, knowing full well what your wife and her husband were doing (and perhaps trying to get you to do the same with her).


Lose Phil. Talk to your wife. Find out what's going on and for how long. Find out if she's interested in reconciliation (if you're interested), and prepare for divorce. If you want to try R, set up some ground rules, NC, etc.


It sounds to me like Phil and possibly Tara set you up. That doesn't excuse your wife's behavior, however, so don't let her off the hook.



Yep, i was going to say that this feels like a couple who is into swinging or open relationships and getting you and W "in"... gently and discretely.

Anyhow, Tara failed, Phil did not. It was intentional either way.

No excuses for your wife, she cheated whether it is was a setup or not.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Anyone else here think this whole cockamamie (sp?) story was just a bunch of BS just to see how people would react:mad:? To me it just screams, "FAKE!"

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Jaws, Good luck....

I would call her on her bull**** and she what she tells you. You have the upper hand because you smelled him on her before, so it most likely happened before.


Talk to her and see if it smells....But be prepared for the worst.

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First of all Phil is NOT your best friend.

It is important that you inform Phil's wife immediately.


What are the consequences to her actions?

Does she know that cheating is a deal breaker for you or is it not?

What is she going to do to try to recover.


.......If he has money, she WILL do all the work if you get my drift;). Friends don't do that to friends, not only is it a "guy code" violation, Phil is just a crappy human being. I firmly believe you don't pee in another persons picnic.


I hope Phil's wife gives him a financial colostomy!

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Anyone else here think this whole cockamamie (sp?) story was just a bunch of BS just to see how people would react:mad:? To me it just screams, "FAKE!"




This sounds like a Literotica story. I hope it is not real life

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Anyone else here think this whole cockamamie (sp?) story was just a bunch of BS just to see how people would react:mad:? To me it just screams, "FAKE!"



I wondered that too.

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It does sound Hollywood-ish...



Maybe he is just changing the nice fancy house scenario from the typical middle class suburban life style. Changing the basic detail to hide in plain sight, I did it a little too. I just don't have weekly dinner parties, but Walking Dead Parties on Sundays. Same thing....just not glamorous.



The one thing that I have noticed..moving on about 2 months after D-Day. The more I write it out.. tell my story the better I feel. Just to get it out. A lot of opinions on this site are negative but how else would you describe what the hell happened to all of us. Every now and then someone gives you a twist to look at our problems and it can help.



Jaws, good luck

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