SixthSt.Girl Posted December 31, 2004 Share Posted December 31, 2004 I've been having a reoccuring pain in my lower left side - I think it's my ovary, but I'm not sure. I've had it on and off for several days. It's a dull pain and sometimes I get dizziness with it. I'm not due for my period soon, so I don't think it's related to that. Does anybody have any clues as to what it is? I've never had anything like this before - my cycle is pretty irregular, but I'm 23 and have never had an irregular PAP smear. I actually just got one done about a week ago - I should be getting the results soon. If the pain is my ovary, would this be something that would show up on that? I hate to go to the doctor again just for this, but it worries me... I just hope it's nothing serious. I have so much stress with career stuff lately - I don't know if I can deal with an illness now. I just hope it goes away soon or I can at least find out what it is. Link to post Share on other sites
indigo_moon Posted December 31, 2004 Share Posted December 31, 2004 A PAP smear will not show anything related to your ovaries....a PAP smear detects abnormal cells on your cervix..nothing to do with your ovaries. The only thing that will conclusively detect something amiss with an ovary, like a cyst (and most are totally harmless/benign) is an ultrasound (pelvic ultrasound). But this pain could be something else so your best bet, if this has been going on for a few days now is to get into your doctor as soon as you can to have this checked out........pain is the body's way of showing us that something needs to be checked out by a doctor. Don't imagine the worst, it's likely nothing really serious......but see a doctor to be sure. He/she'll likely do a pelvic exam (no, not another PAP), ask you some questions about the pain, when it started, what your menstrual cycle is like, if you've ever had a cyst on your ovary, whether you have any problems with your bowels or other conditions...and send you for an ultrasound. An ovarian cyst would show up easily on an ultrasound. That's your safest bet. Don't forget to mention the dizziness because that's significant, too. Don't delay.....get into a doctor, even if you have to go to your local EMERG department.....better to go now before New Years because they'll be closed for the holiday and EMERG rooms will be full and you'll have to wait forever. Any chance you could be pregnant? Are you sexually active? Using birth control? (the Pill? IUD?). Get checked out, that's all I can say (i'm a nurse). Link to post Share on other sites
Author SixthSt.Girl Posted December 31, 2004 Author Share Posted December 31, 2004 [color=orange]A PAP smear will not show anything related to your ovaries....a PAP smear detects abnormal cells on your cervix..nothing to do with your ovaries. [/color] I thought they could detect a problem w/the ovaries because he told me during the exam "now we're going to check your ovaries" and moved the speculum. I'm sure he said that. He said that everything felt ok, but they would send me a letter either way. [color=red]Any chance you could be pregnant? Are you sexually active? Using birth control? (the Pill? IUD?). Get checked out, that's all I can say (i'm a nurse).[/color] Yes, I know I'm not pregnant since I haven't been sexually active for several months. I'm not on the pill or any kind of birth control and haven't been for almost two years now. I have been taking a biotin supplement for a couple of months to try to improve my nail and hair strength and growth. I had told my doctor about missing my periods Oct. and Nov. and asked if the biotin could have anything to do w/that, but he didn't think so - I stopped taking the biotin this month and my period reappeared, so I thought it was an odd coincidence. But, prior to the biotin, my periods were pretty regular. I'm thin so I occasionally miss one. Anyway, sorry for all that info, lol - maybe if I write it all out, it will help me, though... Thanks for the advice - I may go in next week if it doesn't go away. Link to post Share on other sites
indigo_moon Posted December 31, 2004 Share Posted December 31, 2004 No, a doctor cannot assess the ovaries while doing a Pap. The way THAT is done is after the pap is done and the speculum is removed..........he does a manual exam ....put a hand up there and the other hand on your outer pelvic area and he can feel your ovaries, uterus, etc............. Here, read this link......there's info closer to the bottom that explains what a Pap smear detects and then how the "bimanual" exam is done afterward, to check the ovaries, etc: I suppose with the speculum in place (that plastic or metal instrument the crank up in there to open up your vagina so the doc can visualize the cervix and see where to take the swab from), he could visual the ovaries to some degree but doing the manual (bimanual) exam is the only way to properly check for tenderness to the ovaries, etc. If you start to develop other symptoms like a fever, nausea/vomiting, increasing pain, difficult peeing, diarrhea, etc..get yourself into a doc right away.......... Link to post Share on other sites
Author SixthSt.Girl Posted December 31, 2004 Author Share Posted December 31, 2004 Indigo_girl - I'm honestly not sure if he did a bimanual exam or not - I was so nervous and he was talking to me trying to help me relax. He could have removed the speculum quickly and then done it - he must've since he said he was checking my ovaries. It's bad that I don't know enough about the procedure - if I thought something was wrong, I wouldn't have been so trusting and would've been asking questions. I hope it's not a cyst because I've heard that it's really painful if one of those bursts. My mom mentioned that she has been having the same pain, but she is pre-menopausal and has been getting that pain instead of usual cramping before her period for some time. That makes me feel a little better, except she is like 50 years old! It's strange that we would be experiencing the same thing and, apparently, for different reasons. Link to post Share on other sites
moimeme Posted December 31, 2004 Share Posted December 31, 2004 I frequently have painful ovulation - it feels sometimes as if there's something large and tender inside and it hurts quite a bit when I move around - it feels jostled. However, after a few days it usually resolves itself and I never get dizzy. You really should go to the doc - this could be a bowel thing or any number of other problems that you oughtn't mess about with. If it has something to do with your ovary, your doc might not have found it since cysts can grow pretty quickly. Same goes for your bowels, though - you can get an inflammation or even blockage fairly rapidly. Don't fool around - see the doc!!!! Link to post Share on other sites
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