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texting if you are just friends

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So,what do you guys think? Does he think I am not interested, and want me to make more of an initiative or should I just let it go?


I met a guy at a bar while waiting for my friends to show up. It was really crowded and I was bored and we started talking and had a really good time. I didn't mention I had a bf because guys don't either listen to it or think you are lying and besides,it wasn't flirty he knew I was bored and we were just talking.


Anyways,my BF decided he wanted to come up since I was texting him earlier I was bored and alone and so I told this guy that he was on his way and he was like,"So? Just kiss me." I guess he didn't believe me....but he did when he saw him show up five minutes later lol


The guy texted me the next day that he had fun and it was nice meeting me. I didn't see the text until kinda late (was at the movies) so I texted him the next day I had fun too and that was the last I heard from him.


I messaged him a few days later to wish him a happy thanksgiving and he said the same but that was it.



I am wondering if it would be super creeper of me to ask how his thanksgiving was, or would he just think I'm being friendly?


I really don't ever have guy friends,so I don't know how to act. With dating I would just assume he isn't interested,but the rules don't really apply in this situation, right?


I guess I am just afraid of coming across too aggressive if I text him again, so he will think I am looking for a fling or something.


Like I said,I can never just have guy friends without it getting weird,but I really thought he was cool and we had a lot in common. I see other people with opposite sex friends and don't know why I can't so maybe I am doing something wrong or leading them on?


Is it ok to text him or would it be weird? Should I just let it go?If this was dating I would feel like I'm being too aggressive texting him again,but at the same time I did take awhile to respond and didn't ask him any questions either so I'd think maybe I wasn't enthusiastic enough...but this isn't dating! I don't really know how to do that with friends I meet either,don't want to be all weird texting them all the time to hang out sigh. I do keep pretty busy so people think I am not interested and give up.




Edited by me1013
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