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What is, exactly, "casual" viewing of porn?

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My bf looks at porn also. I really don't mind it considering I look at it occasionally. BUT, he actually SAVES pictures onto his computer. And I mean there are TONS of them! I have confronted him about it, jokingly, because it really doesn't bother me that he is looking at the girls. I think that for the most part is normal. What does bother me is that he might want to cheat on me because of it. Am I just being paranoid or is this just a normal guy thing?

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My husband does that. He has a gallery of interesting pictures to keep around. Its mainly parts of a particular photograph he likes rather than the girls depicted. One chick might have nice rounded 'childbearing' hips that he likes, or another might be of long shiny hair spilling down her back, or others might be the general shape of a waist, or the curve of breasts, or a particularly lovely set of lips (I am mesmerized by Angelina Jolie, myself). It has nothing to do with him wanting to go out and bang other chicks. Its just pictures that appeal to what he calls his "simian brain" - the part that houses the sex drive (which is stimulated by visuals). He just likes to collect pictures that have features in them that he likes - womanly curves, lush roundness, glossy sexuality. He likes to look at those. Its mostly the flicks that he (and myself) masturbates too - the stills are aesthetic, the flicks are functional.


I have no problem with that, or his porn. He has no problem with mine, either. We both understand that masturbation is a personal, private thing that is enhanced with visuals. Luckily we are on the same page about it.


Having pics and watching films to masturbate are not what you have to worry about with a guy cheating. Interaction with real flesh and blood women is what you have to worry about. Not pictures of pixel honeys.

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ALL men watch porn. ALL. ALL. ALL. ALL.


It does NOT mean he wants to cheat. Do you look at other men on the street? Of course you do. Does that mean you would act on every impulse you get when you see a good looking dude walking by you? Of course not.


Men like women, beer, football and PORN. It doesn't make us monsters, it just makes us...men.

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

My husband does that. He has a gallery of interesting pictures to keep around. Its mainly parts of a particular photograph he likes rather than the girls depicted. One chick might have nice rounded 'childbearing' hips that he likes, or another might be of long shiny hair spilling down her back, or others might be the general shape of a waist, or the curve of breasts, or a particularly lovely set of lips (I am mesmerized by Angelina Jolie, myself). It has nothing to do with him wanting to go out and bang other chicks. Its just pictures that appeal to what he calls his "simian brain" - the part that houses the sex drive (which is stimulated by visuals). He just likes to collect pictures that have features in them that he likes - womanly curves, lush roundness, glossy sexuality. He likes to look at those. Its mostly the flicks that he (and myself) masturbates too - the stills are aesthetic, the flicks are functional.


I have no problem with that, or his porn. He has no problem with mine, either. We both understand that masturbation is a personal, private thing that is enhanced with visuals. Luckily we are on the same page about it.


Having pics and watching films to masturbate are not what you have to worry about with a guy cheating. Interaction with real flesh and blood women is what you have to worry about. Not pictures of pixel honeys.



Nice explanation!!!

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I just wish us women were jsut as obsessed with porn and saving naked pictures of men in our computers, i bet tables would turn and men would feel that they are lacking something because we cant seem to get enough of naked porn men!


Im sick of it being considered normal for men to watch naked women even when they are in serious relationships or marraiges, it is disrespectful and only shows that they are not satisfied with who they have in front of them and want to keep exploring, its an addiction just like alcoholics with alcohol and cigarette smokers. Why cant we for once go to a movie with a guy and see naked men, instead of always haveing to see exposed chests, honestly its because Men do rule this world and it sucks!

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I have naked pictures of men on my computer! =-)


Actually, I have naked pictures of men on HIS computer!


If porn disgusts you, then you should not be in a relationship with a man who looks at it.




Its more of an asthetic thing. I think the Lamborghini Diablo is an amazing car. I love to look at its lines, think about how fast I could go in it. Yet its a high maintenance car, I could never afford it anyway, to buy or insure, and it would just make me paranoid that something was going to happen to it.


My advise in general is, talk about porn. If its not something you can compromise on, move ON! Its not a competition. Forcing a guy to hide it is just asking for trouble. Its begging for it.


IF however, he is giving Rosie Palmer and her five sisters more attention than you, and moaning Houston when he should be using your name, and has a small jar with her labia in formaldahyde THEN you have a problem.

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Grinning Maniac

To the topic poster, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I don't cheat and I save stuff like that on my laptop, the reason being that sometimes I don't feel like taking the time to look for something to wank to if I just feel like having a quick wank and/or I have no net access. No different than keeping candles in the basement in case of power outage, as far as I'm concerned. ;)



Originally posted by calithin83

I just wish us women were jsut as obsessed with porn and saving naked pictures of men in our computers, i bet tables would turn and men would feel that they are lacking something because we cant seem to get enough of naked porn men!


I don't think it would change a thing. It certainly wouldn't in my case. As long as I'm still getting laid and the girl I'm with isn't actually interacting with anyone in those pictures..**** it. It's her body. I'm not going to cry and say DONT TOUCH YOURSELF EVER OR YOU DONT LOVE ME.


Please... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by calithin83

it is disrespectful and only shows that they are not satisfied with who they have in front of them and want to keep exploring


Really? That's what it means?? Damn it. So then, my feelings of *complete satisfaction* with my girlfriend are some sort of delusion. and in reality, I've been suffering from Tyler Durden-esqe blackouts and banging all of the females in my residence hall? GENIUS! You've cracked the case, cal! :D I've wondered why they keep looking at me that way... I believe we can start castrating all males right away so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.


Originally posted by calithin83

its an addiction just like alcoholics with alcohol and cigarette smokers.


You know, you're right. I was thinking about that just the other day after shooting up some black tar heroine, downing a bottle of Jack Daniels and chain smoking for an hour. None of it was as bad as the ever-present need to beat off. It's killing me. I'm serious. First it was just once a week, then five times, then five times a day, then sixteen. I have to wear my belts really tight and weld my zippers shut because when everyone else is lighting up cigarettes outside, I just cant help wanting to whip out my pecker right there and go to town. It's just not fair. My addiction is FAR more serious but only THEY get a designated break for it? Whatever.


I beat off so much... that I CUM BLOOD. That's right, take that Phillip-Morris. To hell with your "cancer" and "tracheotomies". I MASTURBATE FURIOUSLY. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by calithin83

Men do rule this world and it sucks!



"It's good to be the king."



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Yes it does get us women so so so mad but why?

i use to get so annoyed at my hubby doing this but then he would do it behind my back so in the end i did it with him watched it that is ,,,,,,

its ok for a man to explore what you have to remember is that it does not matter how you look in size or anything else what matters that you love him and your personality is in the right place


remember most women that do porn are plastic "cosmetic surgery" we are natural and don't need to change,,,,,,


and come on some are so ugly what is the worry about .......


em xx

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Some people can get addicted to porn, but its just like anything else. Some guys can go into a bar, have a pint and go home, others go out every night and drink till they're in the gutter. Some guys just need a good yank once in awhile and visual aids are helpful. The only time its bad is if your guy would rather have the porn then you. So long as your top on the list you shouldn't worry if he yanks it to the computer when you're not around.

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