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Widow:Female...Divorced Neighbor:Male...Never Met...FB Suggestions?

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i'm a widow(one year), I found out from another neighbor that the guy who lives across the street is divorced but a bit older than me. I start thinking how I have needs that maybe he can help with, and maybe he has some of his own that I can help with (unless he doesn't get it up anymore)


Aside from going over and knocking on his door and asking if he wants to be f--kbuddies, anyone have any suggestions?

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well i certainly hope there are some horny widows that live next to me in my neighborhood...


I'm sure there's plenty of time to spark up conversation with this man. Perhaps you'll both be outside doing yard work, taking out the trash, getting mail, walking your dog and he happens to be outside or vice versa. Introduce yourself (bc you two have never done so I'm assuming?), get to talking, and drop a line about your current situation (in a subtle casual way no doubt). This I'm sure will get him talking about his divorce, and now all of the sudden the two of you have a good connection and a lot to build off of. I'm sure you wont have to worry about him getting it up, bc from what I've read it seems that you're quite good at getting many many men "UP"! Good luck:D

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well i certainly hope there are some horny widows that live next to me in my neighborhood...


I'm sure there's plenty of time to spark up conversation with this man. Perhaps you'll both be outside doing yard work, taking out the trash, getting mail, walking your dog and he happens to be outside or vice versa. Introduce yourself (bc you two have never done so I'm assuming?), get to talking, and drop a line about your current situation (in a subtle casual way no doubt). This I'm sure will get him talking about his divorce, and now all of the sudden the two of you have a good connection and a lot to build off of.
Thanks! these are great ideas. I thought of some of them too, but it seems to be a timing issue. He has driven past while I was out doing yard work and we waved at each other. I do sit outside by my front door a lot to catch some sun, and I've watched him go out to his truck or do some yard work. One time, when he was in the house I sat there and sent my energy out to his house. Within minutes he came out with a jug in his hand and walked across the street toward my nextdoor neighbor's house. As he got right beside my fence, I was smiling looking at him and he said "HELLO!" in such a nice booming voice. I was ecstatic and said "HI!" and gave him a big smile! He sat the jug down in their driveway and then walked back to his house. It felt great! It felt like he wanted to say something more, but was shy.

Today, I heard him talking to them nextdoor about how he's enjoying being by himself, and how he didnt care to go anywhere for Thanksgiving even though his brother or something invited him. He called himself a hermit. So I assume he's not seeing anyone either...

I'm sure you wont have to worry about him getting it up, bc from what I've read it seems that you're quite good at getting many many men "UP"!
lol. I suppose u are referring to my webcamming. :)
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I can always come see you instead :-) Just ask for some help with something, you just need to break the ice.

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I can always come see you instead :-) Just ask for some help with something, you just need to break the ice.


Too bad you live so far away! :(


Ya know, I think I might have it.


Something I could go talk to him about ---I will be listing some big heavy machining tools and lathes for sale. When someone buys them, I could explain to my neighbor I don't want to be here in my house alone when they come to pick it up, and ask him if he wouldn't mind coming over when the buyer is scheduled to arrive.


What do you think ? :)

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(OMG! this is not me! I am feeling and acting like a giddy schoolgirl!)


I finally met and talked a bit with my neighbor. It was his doing! I was totally not ready or expecting it.


I was sitting on my step returning some phone calls that got me out of bed


and was wearing the clothes I had slept in. my hair wasn't brushed . I was not feeling sexually attractive so probably didnt look it either!




This is how it went:

He was talkin to my nextdoor neighbor and i think he was talking about fishing. I thought wow what a good opportunity to jump in and say something, because I love to fish, but I got that panicky feeling and didnt. He waked back over to his house then the mailman was coming up the street and he went out in the street a ways to talk to him about a mail mix up. Then he starts walking over to my house, with my mail. He walked into my yard and I introduced myself and we shook hands. And finally I got to see how good-looking he is and doesnt look too old either. I guess I was nervous because it seems I couldn't stop talking. He said yes he heard I lost my husband. I said how i cant believe it's been a year. He said he was divorced and I didnt want to pry but maybe I should have at least asked about it especially when he asked me how my husbsnd died. But idk...


Anyway we talked for at least 20 min. (he talked quite a bit too ) When I mentioned where I go fishing he said that's where he goes sometimes too and sounded interested that I have a house to use there. we talked some more about fishing and I said we'll have to go together sometime, and I asked him if he wanted any coffee I just made, and he said no, he had to go take caqre of something. I wish I had said something cute like, oh you heard how bad my coffeee is huh? but i just wasnt relaxed enough I guess.


So I'm left wondering, first, if he purposely wanted an excuse to meet me by bringing me my mail, or if it was just coincidence, second, if he decided he's not interested since he turned down my coffe and didnt say anything like maybe some other time.,, or was I being too forward asking him? He seemrd to be confident not nervous, .. idk. What do you think?

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lol. I suppose u are referring to my webcamming. :)


Yes I am.


(OMG! this is not me! I am feeling and acting like a giddy schoolgirl!)


Don't get too excited bc you may just be excited about the possibilty of this scenario/fantasy playing out. You never know this guy could be the exact opposite of what you think him to be.


and was wearing the clothes I had slept in. my hair wasn't brushed . I was not feeling sexually attractive so probably didnt look it either!




I wouldn't worry too much. I'm assuming, since you've said you do webcam modeling (or whatever it's called) that you're reasonably attracive- lets face it you don't make money with a webcam if you're overweight and gross- yes, that was harsh but it's the bitter truth. Bottom line: don't worry about it.



So I'm left wondering, first, if he purposely wanted an excuse to meet me by bringing me my mail, or if it was just coincidence, second, if he decided he's not interested since he turned down my coffe and didnt say anything like maybe some other time.,, or was I being too forward asking him? He seemrd to be confident not nervous, .. idk. What do you think?


Don't just assume that he's some magical guy w/o flaws and you were the one that seemingly "dropped the ball" or messed something up. Guys are pretty oblivious and not always adept in social situations especially with women. In all honesty, I think it's weird he didn't accept the coffee. Even if I didn't want the coffee I would accept it bc it's a nice gesture. I mean accept it, if you don't want it dump it in the sink when you get home. lol :o


Chances are he was just bringing over your mail. I mean what decent human being wouldn't return mail to the rightful owner? It seems that the stars aligned and brought you two together tho. I think his calm and quiet composure was most likely just him being a little nervous (trust me looks and body language can be deceiving). Give it another go and try to get him talking a bit more to get a better gauge for who this guy is. Maybe he starts talking about his true passions which are collecting old creepy ventriloquist dolls, and maybe he has like 14 cats... You might then decide that this silent mystery man wasn't all he was cracked up to be and you might also feel silly for investing so much time into him mentally. Or he turns out to be prince charming, who knows?

Edited by Gemini47
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Thanks so much for your response GEMINI47

Don't just assume that he's some magical guy w/o flaws and you were the one that seemingly "dropped the ball" or messed something up. Guys are pretty oblivious and not always adept in social situations especially with women. In all honesty, I think it's weird he didn't accept the coffee. Even if I didn't want the coffee I would accept it bc it's a nice gesture. I mean accept it, if you don't want it dump it in the sink when you get home. lol :o



Well, he did say he didnt want any coffee because he had to go take care of something. And he did leave in his truck shortly after that, and didnt return until hours later.


It seems that the stars aligned and brought you two together tho.


That's how it felt since i just got done posting about it the night before on here!


I think his calm and quiet composure was most likely just him being a little nervous (trust me looks and body language can be deceiving). Give it another go and try to get him talking a bit more to get a better gauge for who this guy is.

cool. Now i just have to figure out how to do this. Damn. I wish I had brought up something like how does he handle being alone.physically. but i was too shy at the time. If I had had a few drinks I would probably come out with it.



Maybe he starts talking about his true passions which are collecting old creepy ventriloquist dolls, and maybe he has like 14 cats... You might then decide that this silent mystery man wasn't all he was cracked up to be and you might also feel silly for investing so much time into him mentally. Or he turns out to be prince charming, who knows?



i did learn he;s into fishing, that he feeds a stray cat once in a while , that he has a table saw in the basement he couldnt sell so he started using it. It seems like he's always working on fixing up his his house.


So, I talked about him in my webcam chatroom and some of the guys there say he must be gay since he wasnt all over me yet. lol


I hate playin this game. I just want to know if he wants to f__k me!

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update on this: We had snow. I had gone out and shoveled my driveway and walk to my front door, but that’s all. Afterwards someone shoveled my sidewalk, but I didn’t go out to look because I was in the middle of my cam show. I’m thinking this neighbor must have done it. (If it was the kid nextdoor, he would have knocked on the door and asked to get paid). If it was this guy across the street,



So do you think he was just being neighborly?



Or do you think he was looking for me to notice and come outside to see him?



I really would like to THANK him. We are supposed to get more snow now, so I’m thinking I will try to catch him if he comes over to clean my sidewalk again, and offer him some hot coffee, or cocoa. And see what happens….. :)

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Sounds like you're on the right track! Bake some cookies to thank him. I'm sure he's just a slow mover, there's still some gentlemen left in the world :-)

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I cant believe its been like a month since i updated this. The family was split up for Christmas, everyone going their own separate ways... I was invited to my son's new in-laws', and received an awesome gift!- a quiver with old arrows for my hunting bow!


I promptly began using my old garage door for target practice.


When my neighbor came out, I hollered over to him to come see what i had, and I found out that he was a huntsman, and used to go bow-hunting! cool! I also got the impression that, like me, he may be somewhat of a survivalist/prepper type guy... cool!


So, he re-strung my bow for me (it was backwatds, lol). But he at first refused to shoot an arrow into my garage door. I kept coaxing him. he was very hesistant and asked me where I wanted it and when he finally understood where exactly i wanted it he let it go! He was a very good shot, though he thought he could do better, but no coaxing would get him to do it again.


hmmmmm..lol sounds like this might be an analogy? lol


I caught him glancing at my exposed naval a couple times. (Even though I was bundled up for the cold, the top of my skirt and the bottom of my sweater didnt quite meet.. :) ) so i dont think he's gay.


Since then he has been very neighborly, talking when we are both outside, helping me with carrying boxes back and forth from my car, etc. :)

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