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Love Triangle- Posting For a friend. Not Me!!!

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I need some help. I can't think very clearly at the moment. This might be a long post but problaby the most intersting yet!


All I want is solid advice, please do not put me down.


I think I am intwined in a love triangle. Right now I have two boyfriends. They have the same exact birthday. Same month, same day, each are a year apart in age. One lives in Canada where I am, the other the States.


The first one that I met, the one in Canada I have been with him for almost two years. He has always seemed to be a very caring person and concerned of my well being. He has greatly helped me financially. He pays my rent, gas in my car, and buys me nice things. I am not all about money believe me. I even tell him don't waste money on me. But this guy wants to have his cake and eat it too!


We stopped having sex about 13 months ago, when we did have sex before that he could never get hard, and I had to keep begging. We just stopped having sex for a awhile now. The last time we did I used a condom, and it must of broke. A month later I found out that I was pregnant.


He was still talking to ex girlfriend in the States. This woman was so jealous of me that she would always tell him to break up with me and leave me. She wanted us to split. She has her boyfriend, but she just wanted to make us a break up. When I found out that I was pregnant around that time he ran off and left me. Told me that he was going camping and he never did. He never called me. His phone was shut off. I drove to his mother's home. All lights were on. I caught him in a lie. His ex told him to do this.


His mother by the way never wanted us to date as well. So in the beginning of our relationship I had caught him numerous times emotionally cheating. I think that he has stopped but I have doubts. He knew that it upset me so much. He just keep doing it. But he never met anybody or touched them. I saw once that he was planning to meet a woman way older than him, but she backed out.


Anyways I finally got a hold of him and told him that I was pregnant. We decided to have an abortion I was not ready, neither was he. I cried after and he held me. Believe me I was sad. We are currently still together but things are getting stranger. Its almost two years. He always wants to take a break. He does call me on the phone but we don't talk as musch as we used to. We hardly text. He is with his mama he loves going to her house instead of being with me.


He still seems like he cares and is concerned about me, but I have to beg to see him. I have not seen him much this month. He gives me the weekends to myself, but comes around once or twice during the week. When he sleeps over he wants to leave at 5 a.m. I feel that I am losing feelings for him and the attraction is subsiding. I used to think he was really hot, now its just like whetever. All we do is argue.


The second guy I met through the first guy. One day he said that I am texting this guy that used to be a UFC fighter in the States. I said "Oh really?" "Who is it?" He showed me. I got his number when I glanced at the phone.


I started texting him. We started sexting daily, until it has turned into deep attraction to being in love. I have never met him, but we are dying to meet each other and be together. We have been talking for almost two months. We both feel really connected to each other. He always tell me that I am "hot", and "cute". We have some of the same intersts. We are now telling each other that we love each other.


We text each other more than my first boyfriend text. The guy in the Sates text me all day. He even told me several times that he loves me, and always talks about us being together. I feel in love with him. We think about each other all the time. We talk on cam, not much by phone.


I want to move in with him, but I am scared that what if I leave everything behind and we don't last. I am willing to relocate to be wiith him. I don't know what to do. I am so attracted to him. He is divorced and going through some issues. I want him to work on his poblems then I will be with him. The second guy always text my boyfriend as well and it would make me feel awkward if he knew. The guy in the States I asked him to get bigger musles and he is, he tries to impress me with what I like growing a beard doing little things I like, which shows me that he really wants me.


We are dating boyfriend and girlfriend. I really want love. What do I do?

Please no hating on me. The other guy seems like he can make me emotionally happy.

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When I found out that I was pregnant around that time he ran off and left me.

in the beginning of our relationship I had caught him numerous times emotionally cheating.

He knew that it upset me so much. He just keep doing it.

I saw once that he was planning to meet a woman way older than him, but she backed out.

He always wants to take a break.

He does call me on the phone but we don't talk as musch as we used to. We hardly text. He is with his mama he loves going to her house instead of being with me.

I have to beg to see him.

When he sleeps over he wants to leave at 5 a.m.

All we do is argue.

Well, he sounds like a keeper?! Why on earth are you still with this guy? Whether you want to date the second guy or not, this first guy sounds like a complete douche.

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Well, he sounds like a keeper?! Why on earth are you still with this guy? Whether you want to date the second guy or not, this first guy sounds like a complete douche.



Because he's paying her rent, utilities, her gas.... why give that up if guy number two isn't ready to enter into a full time relationship? She said it herself. This dude is freshly divorce and has a lot a baggage to go through. He's not the "sure thing". He's not the security.


And the other thing is, even though guy number one is taking care of all her material needs, guy number one and number two know each other! What do you think is going to happen when number one finds out that you've been cheating on him with number two? That you betrayed the relationship and the friendship that he has with this guy?


Her last sentence spelled it out for me. She said that she's sure guy number two can make her EMOTIONALLY happy. Emotionally happy is one thing, but it's only one part of a relationship. She cake eating right now. She has guy one taking care of her materialistic needs and she has guy two taking care of her lustful needs. She just wishes guy two would get onboard with taking care of all the needs guy number one is doing for her right now. She doesn't want to lose that security.


My advice? Cut BOTH of them loose and learn to stand on your own two feet for once!

Edited by Chi townD
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