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My other thread was closed but I did want to thank everyone for their advice, even those that dispensed it in a pretty crude manner. I did indeed tell him and I am not sure how things will move forward. I love him with all my heart and this experience and guilt will be with me forever. It will be my dark passenger but should serve as a constant reminder of what I am capable of, how much pain I can cause and how much he means to me. I have an appointment for counseling in a few days. I think somehow him and I can become stronger from this whether it is with or without one another. Thanks again everyone.

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Good for you that you told him. Even if you both don't work it out its good that you owned up to it and are trying to work on your issues.



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There was no real relationship, it was a lie. What ever you have now has a foundation of honesty, you told him, he didn't find out on his own and that will go a long way towards building something really special and a start on rebuilding trust. You did the right thing and that took a lot of courage, I applaud you.

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Well done to you. That took alot of courage. I hope he can forgive you and you both work through this. Good luck

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I know you've put a lot of thought into how you were going to approach him on this sensitive topic. Perhaps you'd like to share how you actually did it? Did it play out as you thought it would?

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