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in love with a cheater

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hello !


About a year ago i met a girl at the university . we took the same course. She was pretty and interesting but after a couple of days i saw her with her boyfriend so i said to myself she's off limits. Day by day we became fiends until one night in a university party we were drunk and she hit on me out of the blue. We had sex and this continued for about a month only when we were drunk. She said that she loved her bf and won't leave him and i said that this can't go on and we should stop talking and so. She seemed ok with it no problem.(what a slut i thought).

But the heart wants what the heart wants. I had feelings for her. I tried very hard to avoid and not talking to her. During the next 6-7 months i saw her like 2-3 times by accident or in some friends gatherings. I was polite , friendly but distant. even saw her bf once (haha). I met another girl we were together for like one month but obviously she was still in my mind . so we broke up , it wasn't fair for the girl on my behalf.


All this until one month ago were out of the blue she called me in the middle of the night asking me were i was. I knew i shouldn't tell her but i could not help it. she came found me with two of her friends in a bar and after we had sex . Everything came back. She said should have chased her more and that she thinks i will be her next bf. after that sex again a week later and then she disappeared again. Her girl friends know about me and seem to like me (maybe thats a good sign) .Sometimes she seems sooo into me. I know she just using me won't leave her bf but when the time comes i can't resist.

i can find sex elsewhere but its not the same.


I know she's a cheater and not worth it and and and but.. either i must have her (heart) or must forget her (right thing to do). i tried both with no results.

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She has a boyfriend. You shouldn't be with her in the first place. She's a cheater and you are acting like a potential cheater. In the end, your actions indicate that you condone cheating. Is this what you want to be associated with? Cheating? A cheater?

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You need to be careful. First of all I notice you are taking the moral high ground here by labeling her a cheater. You are an accomplice in the cheating because you know she has a boyfriend but continue to sleep with her anyway. Sooner or later the nature of this relationship will be known to the boyfriend and this may be bad for you. Some people may walk away doing nothing others become angry and look for the person their significant other cheated with.


I suggest ending things completely, go no contact with this woman and look for a real relationship not your role of consolation prize. Check out the other woman/ other man forum. These stories seldom end well even if it is what the heart wants.

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hello !


But the heart wants what the heart wants. I had feelings for her. I tried very hard to avoid and not talking to her. During the next 6-7 months i saw her like 2-3 times by accident or in some friends gatherings. I was polite , friendly but distant. even saw her bf once (haha). I met another




I know she's a cheater and not worth it and and and but.. either i must have her (heart) or must forget her (right thing to do). i tried both with no results.


You don't want her heart. You want her boobs, butt and her P---- and her heart? She doesn't have one. Neither do you.


You saw her boyfriend once "Ha ha". I take that the laugh was because you were screwing his girlfriend.


Well friend guess who will have the last laugh when you hook up with this girl and you find her with another guy. Think it will be funny when shes scrambling to get her clothes on telling you that "Honey, it's not what you think" type of moment.


My advice. Go for it. make an fool out of yourself because down the road you'll be back here crying the blues about how you found your girlfriend with another guy and you can't understand why because you gave her everything.


Not to mention that if her BF finds out you were screwing his girlfriend. He'll be chasing you ass down like a crazed dog so go ahead. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when she cheats on you and if her BF decides to pay you a visit.

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Its a recipe for disaster. Often times people want what they can't have and when they have what they want, they don't want it anymore. Maybe your just attracted to the challenge she presents. Go visit some online dating sites and find someone who is worth it. Don't be the other man...makes you no better than her. Best of luck to you.

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hello !


About a year ago i met a girl at the university . we took the same course. She was pretty and interesting but after a couple of days i saw her with her boyfriend so i said to myself she's off limits. Day by day we became fiends until one night in a university party we were drunk and she hit on me out of the blue. We had sex and this continued for about a month only when we were drunk. She said that she loved her bf and won't leave him and i said that this can't go on and we should stop talking and so. She seemed ok with it no problem.(what a slut i thought).

But the heart wants what the heart wants. I had feelings for her. I tried very hard to avoid and not talking to her. During the next 6-7 months i saw her like 2-3 times by accident or in some friends gatherings. I was polite , friendly but distant. even saw her bf once (haha). I met another girl we were together for like one month but obviously she was still in my mind . so we broke up , it wasn't fair for the girl on my behalf.


All this until one month ago were out of the blue she called me in the middle of the night asking me were i was. I knew i shouldn't tell her but i could not help it. she came found me with two of her friends in a bar and after we had sex . Everything came back. She said should have chased her more and that she thinks i will be her next bf. after that sex again a week later and then she disappeared again. Her girl friends know about me and seem to like me (maybe thats a good sign) .Sometimes she seems sooo into me. I know she just using me won't leave her bf but when the time comes i can't resist.

i can find sex elsewhere but its not the same.


I know she's a cheater and not worth it and and and but.. either i must have her (heart) or must forget her (right thing to do). i tried both with no results.


How old are you? She gives you tail and you talk about heart :) All I can say my friend is that this story will not end well... for you and your heart.

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"the heart wants what the heart wants"


I think you meant "i like sticking my penis in her vagina".


Also, you laughing cause you saw her boyfriend was revolting for me. Go for her man, you deserve what is quite clearly going to come to you. I also hope he finds out. I have a feeling he'd be able to take you. You sound like a little wimp.

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She's using you. That's why she disappears. She comes crawling back when it's convenient for her, then takes off when it's convenient for her. She doesn't want you.


There are pretty girls out there who are also quality girls. Why do you want this skank, of all of them? She's a trashy STD factory. Who knows how many other guys she's screwing. I feel very sorry for her bf. He's risking his health by being with her.

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