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MM and OW....Why OW is always the One....

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What is really taking place behind closed doors and what everyone else is saying may be two completely different things. I am curious how you know about what his immediate family thinks and what other family thinks? It must be hard for you thinking you had a special relationship and it is pulled from you or ended and you are the bad person. You did not make the OM do anything but when you engage in a relationship with a person whom is married or in a committed relationship bad things often do happen.



I doubt that you are solely being blamed by family members. It may seem that way but rational thinking people know it takes two in these situations. If he and his wife are reconciling a great way to recover is to be united in isolating you physically and emotionally from their lives. I think it is time for you just leave this relationship alone, go no contact with the OM, do not check on them in any manner (social rumors, facebook, or any way that you could find out info on them). I think its time just to completely walk away. Who cares what these people think, you know how this relationship started, and you most likely know he will not change. The OM has a family he has returned to. Do you really want to get in the way of that?



Im sorry you are hurting. Try to learn from this situation. I was cheated on and it wasn't fun. I learned from what happened to me and hope you do to. I hope things work for you away from these people. Good luck

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