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Do i have the right?


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Ok, this has nothing to do with the usual topic of my current boyfriend, whom i love to death.


I dated this guy for 2 years, before my current boyfriend, now. I was in college and i had a couple roomates, one whom was like a sister to me, Sabrina. When i moved out we still remained close.


My ex-boyfriend, lets call him mike, never did like Sabrina, she was kind of ditzy.


Sabrina introduced me to one of her friends about 6 months ago, she was really nice.


I became close with sabrina's friend. She also knew mike because him and i were still friends and i had introduced them.


Well, Sabrina suddenly did a 360. She sent my current boyfriend an email, a month ago, saying i was cheating on him with mike (which is totally untrue) She said some other cruel things about me, also. I never did anything to her at all. When i confronted her about it, she admitted it but said, it was an accident and it just slipped out.


Yeah right!


When i told Mike, he was really mad, saying she was a backstabber and all.


About a week after this past New Years i spoke to Mike. I askd him what he did for New years. He says, oh i went to Sabrina's, and I said Sabrina who? He goes, your old roomate. I couldnt believe it.


Anyhow, I knew something went on.


To make a long story short, i come to find out they (Mike, Sabrina, and her friend had a threesome!)


Im so hurt, I really cared about about Mike and Sabrina.


Do you think i have a right to be mad at Mike? Obviously im no longer friends with Sabrina.

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Mike, knowing full well what Sabrina had done to you, betrayed his friendhship with you by getting involved in any way with Sabrina.


Mike had told you Sabrina was a backstabber...well, birds of a feather flock together.


Write this whole group off and start concentrating on some of your nicer friends...or go out and make some.


Where do you find these people???

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Im so hurt, I really cared about about Mike

and Sabrina. Do you think i have a right to be mad at Mike? Obviously im no longer friends with Sabrina.

Why does this always happen? Mike is just as much at fault as Sabrina, but your no longer friends with Sabrina, but just mad at Mike? Why? What difference is it - they both did the same thing !!


I shove them both off the bike !!!!!!

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