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He lied to me and now blames me

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i recently came to know that he has been meeting my friend and calling her up on her phone behind my back. On being confronted he lied all the more to cover it up. This was a man i trusted more than my own self and i came to know that he lied to me multiple times. He claims that he is just friendly with my friend but i dont buy it. in a fit of rage that i felt at that moment, i abused him to my hearts content after which he apologized and so did i because i sounded very resentful. he stopped calling me up after that and now he blames me because i yelled at him saying the words that i said has "scarred" him. Now he talks like a total dick and puts up pictures with other girls on his Fb albums to hurt me...

honestly i have put up a lot.. i have no energy.. this guy has drained the last bit of love i had.. i feel sad and i cry all day. he hasnt been calling me at all despite being the one to **** it up. how can somebody be so cruel..?

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no, youre going about this all wrong. youre asking 'how can somebody be so cruel'..


..that's not the problem. ya hes cruel. hes a douche. hes a big bag of smelly poo poo. that's obvious. but what are you doing about it?


instead of wasting your energy trying to figure out why this poo poo person is so poo pooish, you should be asking youself, 'uh..why am I even caring anymore?'

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People tend to throw fits when they get caught and want to turn it around on the person they did wrong in order to feel better about themselves. Know that he is the one with the problem and it is no longer any of your concern. If he wants to post up a bunch of pictures with girls to get under your skin, then he is succeeding because you are letting him under your skin. He seems very immature and manipulative you need to cut him out completely including Facebook. In allowing contact through Facebook you are only hurting yourself and feeding his fire.


You reacted in the way a lot of people do, you are human forgive yourself and let it go. Recognize that it happened and accept it. Once you do that you can begin to heal even if he won't forgive you as long as you forgive yourself that is all that matters. When you are not able to forgive it eats you up. You also need to forgive what he has done to you.


As for him being the jerk that he is, you may never know the exact reason. No sense in fretting about it. I have been in this situation before and couldn't understand how someone could be so awful. That is their problem, they are obviously very unhappy and spiteful. You on the other hand can choose to not let them drag you down and to be happy.

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i recently came to know that he has been meeting my friend and calling her up on her phone behind my back. On being confronted he lied all the more to cover it up. This was a man i trusted more than my own self and i came to know that he lied to me multiple times. He claims that he is just friendly with my friend but i dont buy it. in a fit of rage that i felt at that moment, i abused him to my hearts content after which he apologized and so did i because i sounded very resentful. he stopped calling me up after that and now he blames me because i yelled at him saying the words that i said has "scarred" him. Now he talks like a total dick and puts up pictures with other girls on his Fb albums to hurt me...

honestly i have put up a lot.. i have no energy.. this guy has drained the last bit of love i had.. i feel sad and i cry all day. he hasnt been calling me at all despite being the one to **** it up. how can somebody be so cruel..?


Hey, the guy is a complete waste of our good oxygen. He's a pathetic two faced lying ******* with no morals.

Your better than him. You most certainly do not need this piece of excrement in your life.

You will never get any answers from him about how cruel he has been. He is to sad and pathetic to even care. Instead, he turned it all on you.

What a complete waste of skin.


Go No contact forever on his ass!

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