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Confused and in love

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Dear Loveshack:


I am a 30 year old man who is still head over heels in love with his ex




We had two lovely girls during our 5 and a half year marriage. We have been


officially divorced for 2 months and seperated for over 1 year and 3 months.


I never wanted the divorce and always requested that she go to counseling


with me. Her response was that she has given our relationship enough


chances and that it was time to move on. I accepted this and gave her what


she wanted. During the process of our divorce she decided to see a


co-worker (about 12 years older) who lives in Switzerland. All along I knew


they were seeing each other but she lied to me about their relationship she


says in order to protect me. In any event she likes him she says.


During the divorce we did not get along as we didn't during the last days of


our divorce. She has always said that she still loves me but cannot live


with me. I myself have gone through counseling, made major changes in my


life as far as methods of communicating feelings, stress management etc. and


am a different man. Recently in the last few weeks she has taken an


interest in me. The other day she slept with me and says she is very


confused as to what to do about us because she does not trust the fact that


things may go well now but in 3 mos she may be hurt again by us arguing. My


response is that after going through this divorce I have learned a great


deal of how I respect her, methods of communication etc. and this is


something I could never forget after loosing her. She has also slept with


this other guy once and now he wants her to go to Sweden with him. She says


he treats her very nice etc. This makes me horribly jealous and I am very


confused and scared of being hurt. I don't show my jealousy only my love


telling her that naturally I hope we can see each other but I want her to be


happy. I also have told her that I need to get on with my life and that if


she is 115% committed to seeing each other again that things would never be


like they were in the past and I would treat her like the princess she is.


What should I do from here? How much should I put up with? Don't you think


she should let this other guy know what is going on so it is fair to his


feelings? Should I run? No matter how hard I try I still love her


terribly. She is very jealous of me ever having dated any girls or any that


show interest in me. I communicate with her that she is my number one


priority and nothing will come in the way of that. Help!!!

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First of all, what did you do to her that made her decide that she can't live with you? were you constantly jealous? or depressed? the thing is that it depends on the degree of your problems. I see why you would both be jealous at each other's other relationships...but is that all that indicates the emotions? If you want further opinions, please give more details.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dear Confused and I Love: I just read your letter aabout your ex. You men always complaining that you still love them. Whats the point of getting the divorce. You said that you didin't want it but you did it anyway. So stop crying like a baby and get over it. The reason why I sound so harsh is because I'm currently with a married man. And his wife won't give him a divorce because of the simple fact of me. We have been together for 3yrs. We have a 3month old baby together. She always complaining about how much she loved him. Thats why I I'm replying to your letter. Because it's not fair to other women that you have been dating. So you keep saying that your trying to get over her. I don't think that your trying hard enough. my boyfriend also has 2girls with his wife to. So get over it.





P.S. Respond quickly

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