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My son has a problem....

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My son is 15 years old and has a problem. I found out about it at school just before Christmas when I received a phone call off the principal

saying that my son keeps stripping to his briefs all the time in school no matter where he is.


He did it in PE and the lesson had to be cancelled because of the attention he drew. Then he embarrassed the school on a field trip to a museum

by doing the same thing.


He does it no matter where he is, says the school, and we have been invited to discuss the matter further next week.


Initially I thought it was just a bit of attention-seeking, but it seems much more serious than that.


My son even stripped to his briefs on sports day and then ran round the athletics track thinking it was funny.


Anyone know what problem my son has, and how we can help him??


Advice would be appreciated.

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Nobody can diagnose your son long-distance. When you go to the school, I expect they will recommend that he get counselling. This won't be his only problem, I'm sure. If they don't suggest it, then ask them for the name of a very good psychologist. Only a professional talking to your son in person can tell you what's wrong and how you can help.

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I think it's a HUGE case of Dorkitis. Your son has found a way to get attention from his peers and he is REVELLING in it. As long as they think it's funny he'll keep doing it. Unfortunately, kids tire of that kind of stuff quickly and soon your son will be a joke with no pants on.


Still, it would be helpful for him to find out WHY he needs the attention and to rule out underlying problems. And embarassing as hell to have to see a psychologist-that's his problem, to him and his peers it's funny not embarassing. Hopefully he'll grow out of it or the kids will tire of it.



Dorkitis. If he thinks he's being funny, it's not as serious as you fear.


PS-If he was really screwed up he'd be naked

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Grinning Maniac

I feel really bad about this....but I'm smelling "bogus thread" here.


I mean, why did it take the principal this long to call you? The first time your son stripped in front of everyone, you're telling me no one called you? He didn't get suspended for embarrassing the school on a field trip? Detention? I understand he's 15, and maybe his school just differs heavily from the one I went to, but I got detention for things much smaller than borderline public exposure. :laugh:

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Yeah but GM that was in the day when spitting was the worst crime a kid ever committed.

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Originally posted by Grinning Maniac

I feel really bad about this....but I'm smelling "bogus thread" here.


I mean, why did it take the principal this long to call you? The first time your son stripped in front of everyone, you're telling me no one called you? He didn't get suspended for embarrassing the school on a field trip? Detention? I understand he's 15, and maybe his school just differs heavily from the one I went to, but I got detention for things much smaller than borderline public exposure. :laugh:


The principal phoned me before Christmas. The first time it happened, my son got detention.

This is not a bogus thread, it's a serious problem here.


My son even stripped to his briefs outside Publix in Florida in the car park - I was embarrassed and humiliated!

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hide all his underwear so he can't wear it under his clothes. see if he keeps stripping then.

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