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I un-learned how to read guys...


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I am dating a wonderful guy. He's 5 years younger and I feel I forgot what 21-year-old guys are like... and seem to be unable to read him.


We were on our fifth date yesterday. The first 4 dates I've ben kind of cold, when hanging at his place and after having been intimate, I would leave, only stayed the night once and when he wanted to make me breakfast I left before.

A friend told me I need to plan something nice for the guy, so I went on and planned a whole big date yesterday.


First I told him to meet me at school. We then walked to the movies and watched the new Coen brothers film. Fun. Then we biked home (he lives a block away from me) and told him to come over with some martini in an hour and to dress nice. He actually came in a dress shirt.

I wore a very sexy black dress and heels. He was mesmerised, took a photo with his phone for 'later', he said. I cooked a yum meal, we hung out, read some poems, looked at some books of mine, kissed, listened to music and I sang for him. He liked all of it, so it seems. He stayed the night and we had amazing sex.

This morning we cuddled for a long time and he wanted to have sex again, but without a condom. I said I am not on the pill. He then pointed out how I also don't have coffee in the house and how I should get coffee. We then shortly talked about how there are other contraception methods (speaking: he wants to sleep with me from now on without a condom...) Does this mean he wants to be exclusive? Should I ask him to get tested or should that be common sense?


It's been a while for me... My last relationship ended 10 months ago and I haven't really gotten this close to someone since (well sort of, but without prospect).


I like him a lot but I am scared, I guess, to be let down, and to invest too much. I already planned this whole nice evening for him and it's as much as I can do right now. He said "How do i deserve this? A beautiful woman cooking for me in a beautiful dress." Ugh, so macho :p (He's pretty macho).


What's the next step? Should I wait for him to contact me? Should I go to the gyno and ask for contraception alternatives (I can't tolerate the pill). Should I buy a coffee maker? Seriously... I have no clue. And I am twenty-effing-six years old, feeling like a teenager.


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