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Uncertainty In Relationships-Survey

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I am a senior at Kansas State University working on my final research presentation project for my Relational Communication class. I am running low on time to collect responses and I was hoping the wonderful people in this forum could help me out, and in turn I will post the findings of my research along with some relational repair strategies. The information needed is as follows:






Identify and describe the one event that most negatively impacted your current relationship:


When did this event occur:


What was your role in the event:


What was your partner's role in the event:


What did you to do to repair the relationship:


What did your partner do to repair the relationship:


Explain whether or not you believe the relationship has been repaired and why:


Explain whether or not you believe that your partner would report the relationship as being repaired and why:




Thank you so much for your time!

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