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Hey guys and gals! :)


I would be thankfull to hear some of your opinions or experiences on dating younger man or older woman.


I am 30 and in a realationship with 23 year old guy. I have expirienced being with an older guy (14 years difference) and was usually attracted to older guys, but I was never in this position.


When I first saw him, I could have sweared that he is my age or even a year older. Phisically he looks mature as well as he is mentally. From the day we met it was easy-going, fun and richfull road. I didn't want to rush things up as well as he, although we were pretty attracted to eachother from the start, we let ourself get to know each other better. It was pure refreshment for both of us. We simply enjoying spending time together on every level; with friends, on dinners, alone, watching movies...


We are dating for about a month and a half now. Everything is going so smooth, I have to say I haven't been so relaxed in a relationship ever. He sais it is same for him and that he canno't believe that he found me. If you ask me, as it stands now, I would really love that this relationship keeps going/growing cause he really have all that I need in a man. I was never so positive, selfconfident, gentile, relaxed with a man ever. He simply makes me feel good and by his reactions I can tell that he is on the same level.


The only "unpleasant" question in my mind that sometimes pop up is the one involved around our age diference and it usually shows up when I think: he is the one, I would like to have future with him. Well, I am not obsessed about familly and children but would like to spend my life with my partner. When the idea come up that he has it all I tend to have doubts like: but what will be in a few years considering our age diference. I know it is early to crush my head on such questions but I canno't escape them. So I would love to know from your expiriences...are there positive outcomes and how you feel about it?


Many thanks and appologise for any grammar mistakes, cheers! :)

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It's not a big deal at these stages of your life. If he was under 21, I might think differently.


My husband is 5 years youunger than me & my dad was 5 years younger than my mom.

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Because of his age you are more susceptible to growing apart, however that doesn't mean you will. Since you already consider him to be a mature 23 year old, that's a good sign. It's truly different for different people, you should just enjoy the time spent together and try to have a good relationship without living with any fears as best as you can.

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Thanks guys! :)


I agree that I should let my mind and heart off of any fears (as in every relationship) , especially since we are in a first phase of our relationship, basically at the very begging. I had relationships before, I'd say enough that I had my lessons, but every relationship is different and this one, for me, is absolutely a refreshment and except that age difference, for now, I would say it is perfect.


Well, basically every relationship has potential for growth and falling apart. Sometimes, that is just hard to accept. Yes, I know that maybe it won't last, but just as any other I guess. No matter the age difference.


Please, if any of you have positive experience in this matter, do share em with me. Here where I live, there is not many such cases. Usually is the man who is older. Although, lately, looking back few years there's more and more examples of older woman, younger man. :)

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