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Don't know where to go

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there is this girl "Julia". She and i have been friends for almost 2 years. this past year, her senior year in high school, my sophomore i grew to really like her. We became closer and developed a nice friendship. one day i condfided in her that i was bi-polar, she later on told me that she was clinically depressed. i told her before she left for college i'd always support her. This past fall, winter she has come home a couple of times from college. During winter break i asked her to dinner and a movie. We saw "SAW". Like the hand holding post, i extended my hand and she took it and their was mutual squeezage. now i had confided in a mutal friend "Laura", that i liked julia. one day while Laura and Julia were hanging out Laura sprung on Julia that i liked her.


now julia had been in two really bad relationships in the pst year and a half and recently got out of a bad relationship in college. I really like her. we have a lot in common and i really enjoy being with her. however i've never really had a bf-gf relationship and i dont know how to progress. Weve talked since Laura told her i liked her but she doesnt know i know she knows i like her. I'd really like to make relationship with this girl, i think she likes me too, but i dont know where to go from here.

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told her i liked her but she doesnt know i know she knows i like her.




Egad! Just tell her that you like her and stop playing games. "Hey Julia, I like you, wanna hang out?" You've already been out with her ("SAW") so just keep dating. When you are more comfortable with yourself in a dating role you can ask her to go steady, or whatever the current terminology for dating exclusively.


Just don't forget, if/when you get to a point where you have sex---USE A CONDOM!

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