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I think my husband is gay

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Me and my husband have been together for five years. I have never suspected him to be gay. He's always been the man of the house. About a year ago one of our good friends told me that when he and my husband went out of town with a couple of my buddies they got really messed up off of some grey goose and whiskey. He then proceeded to tell me he wasn't feeling good that night so he wasn't drinking with the guys. After he had laid down and closed his eyes, he could hear something on the other bed so he rolled over and saw my husband having sex with one of our good gay friends that we had that had gone on the trip with them. He rolled back over not saying anything. He did not want to ruin his friendship with both of the men he had had for 18 years. After seeing his, I was the only person he had told. He could not tell anyone else. At first I was astonished. I could not believe what I had just heard, I thought maybe he was wrong maybe it was something else he saw. I did not want to believe it so I just brushed it off. Forgot about it. Life went on.

Two nights ago I was got onto my husbands computer and he had left his email account open, so I looked through it not expecting to find anything really. I started to look through his sent mail, he hadn't sent much so it was easy to scroll down to long periods of time. After scrolling down to about eight month I saw him replying to ads men had posted on Craigslist for men seeking men. He was replying with "hey I'm new to this, I want to meet up send me a picture" with pictures of their penis' being sent back and fourth. There wasn't just one ad he had replied to. There was about seven. I started freaking out. I called our gay friend from the story above and he could tell in my voice something was wrong and he said "I think I know what your going to say" "is your husband gay" and he did not have an answer for how he already knew what I was going to ask. I had then told him what I had found. He said he was just being curios all men do it? And I then asked him if he had ever slept with my husband and he denied it. I want to approach my husband to say something but I do not know how to go about it. He can tell I am acting strange. I can barley look at him without feeling disgusted.

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Me and my husband have been together for five years. I have never suspected him to be gay. He's always been the man of the house. About a year ago one of our good friends told me that when he and my husband went out of town with a couple of my buddies they got really messed up off of some grey goose and whiskey. He then proceeded to tell me he wasn't feeling good that night so he wasn't drinking with the guys. After he had laid down and closed his eyes, he could hear something on the other bed so he rolled over and saw my husband having sex with one of our good gay friends that we had that had gone on the trip with them. He rolled back over not saying anything. He did not want to ruin his friendship with both of the men he had had for 18 years. After seeing his, I was the only person he had told. He could not tell anyone else. At first I was astonished. I could not believe what I had just heard, I thought maybe he was wrong maybe it was something else he saw. I did not want to believe it so I just brushed it off. Forgot about it. Life went on.

Two nights ago I was got onto my husbands computer and he had left his email account open, so I looked through it not expecting to find anything really. I started to look through his sent mail, he hadn't sent much so it was easy to scroll down to long periods of time. After scrolling down to about eight month I saw him replying to ads men had posted on Craigslist for men seeking men. He was replying with "hey I'm new to this, I want to meet up send me a picture" with pictures of their penis' being sent back and fourth. There wasn't just one ad he had replied to. There was about seven. I started freaking out. I called our gay friend from the story above and he could tell in my voice something was wrong and he said "I think I know what your going to say" "is your husband gay" and he did not have an answer for how he already knew what I was going to ask. I had then told him what I had found. He said he was just being curios all men do it? And I then asked him if he had ever slept with my husband and he denied it. I want to approach my husband to say something but I do not know how to go about it. He can tell I am acting strange. I can barley look at him without feeling disgusted.


I can't say yes, or no. I can tell you, one of my bfs is gay. He told me that most of the men who call on a male prostitutes (not sure what you call them), are, married men. These are men in high places in our town too.

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Sorry... for replying men looking men ads is not something all men do... and exchanging pictures...?


Even if it was girl looking men ads it would also be wrong... that's call cheating...


Before you were told about that night... how would you describe your sex life?


Another red flag is the friend's reply... How is it he just knew what you were giong to ask?

Does it mean that every wife ask every gay friend if their husbands are gay? Doesn't sound like it, right?


About the sex thing with the friend... I wouldn0t put my hands on fire for either of them... don't know what to think...


I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope you can get the truth you're looking for, whatever that is...


Best of lucks,

Edited by Solcita2
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