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Is it possible?

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I'm pretty sure my husband and I are going to be getting a divorce. It breaks my heart because I truly believe he is my soul mate. The thought of ever loving someone else with the depth that I love him....seems impossible. I can't ever see myself loving someone that way that I have loved this man....but I'm wondering....is it possible? Has anyone been there and found that you can love deeply again? I'm scared that I'll just be settling....and I don't want to "settle" for someone and spend the rest of my life loving a man that I can't be with. But that's just the thing....we can't be together. I just need a little advice is all. My heart is breaking but there is no fixing this marriage.

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First I would like to ask you, do you have still feeling from him? or do you treat special by that man. It is really hard to decide especially if you still believe that you love her. You need enough time to think and decide what is right, it hurts but you need to sacrifice.

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Been together 8 years. Married for almost two. Have spent the last 8 months separated. He's been seeing another girl and I have been seeing another guy. I left the guy I was seeing and told my husband I wanted him to come home and let's work on things. He is, by the way, a functioning alcoholic. 35 years old and wants to party every day like he's 21. He makes excuses for why we can't work things out right now. I think he just doesn't want to give up his partying lifestyle and girlfriend to have to settle back down to a home life where he was responsibilities. I'm tired of being held in limbo. I want to move forward with my life. He says he doesn't want a divorce, ever. But makes no move to try to make our marriage work. I love him with all of my heart but he is very bitter and vindictive and hateful. Ignores my calls and texts and emails. I want an equal partner. Not a man-child. He denies he has a drinking problem and thinks that his occasional cocaine use is okay. I'm tired of waiting and I'm scared if he does come back he'll still be drinking and partying and will do nothing but throw my indiscretions in my face every time it suits him. I believe our marriage is not salvageable. As much as I love him I think it's time I move on. I'm just scared I'll never love someone as deeply or have the kind of connection I used to have with my husband.

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2.50 a gallon




File and dump the loser, he will never change.



And yes, you will find love again.



Me, I was so hurt that I swore that I would never love again. I refused to give love a chance. I lasted for about 15 years.



If it can happen to me, it surely will happen to you.

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