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one night to worry about

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Hey Guys I'm posting this even though I have no real reason to be jealous yet.


So just hear me out without thinking I'm being a drama queen.... Iam a jealous person when it comes to other girls flirting with my boyfriend and get a little edgy when i see him talking to other girls no matter what they look like. Its just part of who Iam, even though its all innocent on his behalf its just hard to see and i never say anything about it to him.


Anyway my dilemma is this.... his friend is getting married soonish and he will be partnered with tanother girl as part of the wedding party.The bride has made it clear that even though I'm invited i will not be able to spend time with him this night because he will be with the other girl as part of the traditional ceremony.


Not only that but the bride has told me that this girl is soo amazing looking that she never introduces her boyfriends to her because she has lost a few to her. Her husband to be has not met her yet etc when i asked her why she made such a big deal over this girl she just said ' if you saw her you would understand'.


Anyway my boyfriend is a very faithful guy he always says he feels so lucky to be with me, that I'm beautiful and gorgeous and basically does anything he can do to make me happy.


I don't want to sound conceited but I'm an attractive person myself and get hit on at least a couple times every time i go out.


So i really don't think i have anything to worry about, there is no concern about him cheating, but my question is how do I handle the fact that my boyfriend is going to spend the entire night with another beautiful girl, talking and dancing with her?

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normally, no, there would be nothing to worry about.


what i would worry about in this case is the rude bride. for some reason she is purposely making you feel uncomfortable and in the way by "making it clear" that you'll have no time to spend with your boyfriend (which is untrue anyway, i've been in weddings and have gone to weddings with an attendant and while you or they are compromised some of the time, you are by no means tied to the person in the wedding party) and she is also trying to make you feel inadequate by talking about this other "amazing" girl.


maybe the bride needs to grow up. it sounds like she's playing games at looking for a fight at her own wedding.


next time she talks about how wonderful this girl is and how the girl stole a few of her boyfriends, very casually say something like "wow, not only am i surprised you're friends with this girl, but if she's so breath-takingly lovely, aren't you worried about your husband pushing you off of the altar to replace you with her?"


and if she says "oh no, my soon-to-be husband would never do that, it's true love and he wants only me" agree with her and say "yeah, my boyfriend is like that too." and smile very sweetly. :D

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What GirlDown said.


Everyone knows that the attendants at a wedding are forced into that position by other people.


It's nothing to worry about -- and why should you worry? Whatever this other girl has going on, she's definately not you.


Plus, make sure you and your man have some special time the night before the wedding -- he won't be looking at anyone but you.

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I've been in a few weddings while in a relationship and while I was paired up with one of the gentleman for the ceremony I wasn't forced to dance with him or spend all my time with him. I've never heard of this. From what I remember I was to ride in the limo with the party (my boyfriend went straight to the church), I waited in the back room with the party. Walked down the isle. Waited after for pictures while all other guests left. Walked in together at the reception area. Ate at the table with the wedding party, but after dinner was done I did my own thing. Danced and stayed by my boyfriend the rest of the night..


I think the bride may be "pulling rank" a little too much on this one..

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I'm with Pocky. This sounds like a load of steamy horsesh*t to me. To walk down the aisle is one thing, but to have to dance? Come on.

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can i ask another question


do the bridesmaids and broomsmen mingle or is it more like the groomsmen are with the groom and the bridesmaids are with the bridefor the most part... like do the bridesmaids sit next to the bride during the meal etc?


Anyway i realized that it is really the bride making me feel uncomfortable about the situation and i shouldn't really worry too much, if anything happens i will know he is not the one Iam meant to be with and if he behaves politely towards her but nothing more then i will feel really happy about the whole thing.


I think u guys are right ... the bride sounds insecure about herself compared to this girl, i even heard her saying to her fiance the other day that she shouldn't be jealous anymore because he was her fiance now.

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Originally posted by joeyNoelle

Anyway i realized that it is really the bride making me feel uncomfortable about the situation and i shouldn't really worry too much


As long as it's her making you feel uncomfortable and not him, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. ;)

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I agree with what GirlDown said.

Why don't you tell your bf what the bride said before the wedding, and you explain to him that it's making you unconfortable?

He'll probably reassure you and agree that the bride needs a lot of growing up, which will probably make you feel better.

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I was paired up with a woman in a wedding party who had a boyfriend, and I felt quite awkward having to dance with her as the bf looked on. Just kind of weird. On the opposite side, I had a gf in a sorority that had formals with thier kindred fraternity and she always got paired up with a guy there. These were events that I was not invited to. Found out after we broke up that she was sleeping with him all along.

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