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How to say no to a date?

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Situation: I'm currently "seeing" a woman, but she is not my girlfriend and we are not exclusive, or at least we haven't said that we were. A different woman recently asked me out and I wasn't sure how to say no...I suppose I could just say that I'm seeing someone, but I feel awkward saying that. Granted, it was online when she asked me (after meeting her in person) so I could give her a vague enough response. What's the "rule" here?

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I'd say something along the lines of "thank you for asking but no thank you." Don't explain. If the other person presses say something vague like "dating is just not something I'm open to right now."



even if you accept a date from a different person 5 minutes later, at the time you spoke the words they were true because you weren't open to dating the 1st person.

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