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special birthday gift

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Hi every body;


there is that girl where i work, i like her very much but i dont know how to atract her and i have not told her that i like her

, she has never been in a relationship befor (according to her),

her birthday is coming very soon and i want to give her a special gift that tells her she is more than a collegue to me.

what shall i do?

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First, I'd get some indication that she is interested in you outside of the "coworker" realm before giving her anything. Normally, I'd just say take a chance and go for it, but you work with her and if she is not open to your advances it may make work uncomfortable and considering how much time we spend at work that's the last thing you'd want. Ask her for drinks after work one day - if she accepts there's a good chance she's interested. If she declines, you'd be better off skipping the sentimental birthday gift.

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I agree wholeheartedly with Pocky. If you buy her a gift out of the blue, and you have no indication whatsoever that she's interested in you, it's going to really weird her out.

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