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My missus had a one night stand while invovled with me

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hi ppl


i feel like im completley stupid here. Ive been going out with this bird for about a year well just over. im her first boyfriend first lover, i introduced her to a lot of things clubbing my frieds, she and me thought a bttr way of life. We had a break of a couple of months because i didnt know if she was the one. we didnt see each other for about a day maybe six hours. Then we spoke hung out as freinds then about a week later started sleeping together. We are still on a break at this point. She went out with her friends after sleeping with me that afternoon. she went to a club and shagged someone else. i found out about it cause i was also out with my friends trying to get in touch with her. i was distraugt with the fact i couldnt then at 6 in the morning she phoned i asked if she had slept with somone and she had. I hung up on her i was furious how could she do this to me the person she love i was her one, shed never hurt me etc etc. i wouldnt speak to her i used to phone her upo at stupid o clock and call her a slut a slag and any other words i could think of just to try and hurt her. i even contimplated suicide.


After a few weeksi started speaking to her then kissing and we kinda got back together but i would not commit to girlfriend and bf, on new years day i said we coul be together, 2 mths after she cheated on me well last nite i couldnt stop thinking of what she did with this guy did she stroke his hair kiss his cheast give him head etc etc stufff tht she wouldnt do with me ( anal etc), was this guy better than me. was she kissing him its hurts so bad s im wirting this like my heart and lungs are being crushed by a ten ton truck. sorry about the typos. I still want to be with her but this isnt the first time ive wok up or thought about this and cut off from her



what do i do

can i get over it

i still love her but is it enough


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Dump her. No feelings, no reflection -- she's not worth it, at least at this point.


Pay attention to what you said:


after having relations with you in the afternoon, she did another guy. Two guys in one day? That's so nasty I can't believe it. At least you were first (that day).


It's not even a question of whether it was cheating to me -- its just nasty.


She may be a great person [in a few years] but no one EVER gets very far in life by relying on the loyalty of a young person who has just been initiated into the world of sexual activity.

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We are still on a break at this point. She went out with her friends after sleeping with me that afternoon. she went to a club and shagged someone else.


Read that part again. Yes, the part in bold. The part that clearly shows she had no obligation to you. The part that shows she was not in a committed relationship with you. The part that shows she can shag whomever, whenever and as often as she wants.


You'll get over it when you decide to stop thinking about it. You don't own her. You're acting like someone else took your car for a drive when you didn't give them permission. You don't own her body. You should have never asked in the first place because it's none of your business. Be thankful she answered you honestly, I would have told you to piss off. You ended it with her because you weren't sure she was the one then you're going to pissed because she was with someone else? Be thankful you were still getting laid during this time..

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