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I wrote a while ago about my problem at the time. The whole of last year I have been so miserable in my relationship. I am 27 and my boyfriend is 25-we have a three-year-old daughter. I know you should never expect anything from anyone-the thing is I realized in time that our value systems are soo different. He thinks that it is normal that we may in time make the mistakes of being physical with other people. It´s something he would forgive-and some´thing he would forgive me for doing. I feel this whole thinkingshows how lightly he looks at this mattercompared to me. This outlook of his made me not trust him. Besides, he used to go out and party about three times a week, and stay out all night long-sometimes till the next afternoon. A couple of months ago I told him I couldn´t take it anymore. I had expressed my feelings of discontent too many times-it seemed like he wasn´t taking me seriously or even cared if I was unhappy. He also smokes marijuana everyday, so I guess that also clouds his judgement.'


Since we broke up I met this wonderful guy´-we´ve gone through our thoughts and our value systems a million times. I don´t see how this guy could ever hurt me. However, this past weekend my ex showed up and said he didn´t want to lose me-he had noticed me getting cold towards him...He admitted that he had kissed a girl during our time together, and also that there were a couple of times that had the opportunity come-he would have had sex with another person than me. He said he really could change and be the person I wanted him to be. I am so confused. I want him to do it for him-not because i want him to be that way. The other guy is also really catching feelings for me-don´t ever want to hurt him.


Should I take the risk of sitting alone night after night worrying about what he´s(my ex) doing. We have a past together and a daughter. I feel helpless..it was easy before heapproached me again.


Please help!

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If i were you, i wouldnt let your ex storm back into your life. He probably realizes that you have another guy lurking around and he is marking his territory. He's jealous.


Most 25 year old men dont want to settle down, well the majority that i know. He has a daughter with you. He should have woke up three years ago.


Another thing, you cant change his ways. He wont change for you. If he was going to change he would have done it a long time ago..when his now three year old daughter was born.


In my mind, i think he is crazy...he obviously doesnt care too much about you or he wouldnt have this sick idea in his head that its ok to be physical with someone other then you or you with someone other then him. He also has no respect for you. He needs to give his head a shake.


Dont take him back!

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