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What the BIBLE says about "moral" sex

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That quote is interesting-- but it is taken out of context


What? :eek: You mean it's NOT all right to take single passages out of the Bible out of context and use them to tell other people what to do and how to live? :confused:


Well I am so shocked. And here I was about to go stone a couple adulterers I know. Dang.

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Ancient Jews believed that when people got sick, it was God's doing. It's possible Onan just caught a bad case of Trichonosis from the pork he wasn't supposed to be eating.


Do you not believe that God could strike a man down at will?

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Hebrews 13:4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.


To my knowledge, I learned in Sunday School that anything that you do in bed is fine, as long as it's with your HUSBAND OR WIFE. No pre marital sex. But after marriage, you are free to do what you want in the bedroom.


Or at least that's what I was taught :o Surely God wouldn't forbid foreplay. Why would he do that? There's no logic behind it. God's rules are LOGICAL.


Logic behind no sex before marriage:


No babies with only one parent

No people who aren't ready for sex having sex

It will be done in love, instead of lust


And when Jesus said that it's better to not be married, he meant for the purpose of worship. Yes, it's easier to worship and put Jesus first in your life when you're single. When you're married, your spouse tends to have more control over your decisions and your time. You want to spend time with your spouse, so you end up neglecting Jesus time.

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Keep in mind also that is not a Catholic teaching.


It isn't? I'd be interested to hear what the church's stance is then on contraceptives. I know if you're a priest, you don't need to use any with altar boys, but are u permitted to use them with your lawful husband or wife? :confused:

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Originally posted by moimeme

What? :eek: You mean it's NOT all right to take single passages out of the Bible out of context and use them to tell other people what to do and how to live? :confused:


Well I am so shocked. And here I was about to go stone a couple adulterers I know. Dang.


don't do it. i write this because i know you are not mentally stable and am afraid you may actually be preparing to do this.


no matter what the voices say, dont do it! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by rtobiejr

It isn't? I'd be interested to hear what the church's stance is then on contraceptives. I know if you're a priest, you don't need to use any with little boys, but are u permitted to use them with your lawful husband or wife? :confused:


Again, remember, God knows that we aren't capable of following all of these, rules and regulations......so whether or not you're permitted to do this, or to do that, it doesn't matter.....you're not capable of keeping the slate clean.....that's why Jesus came to save us.

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Originally posted by Moose

Again, remember, God knows that we aren't capable of following all of these, rules and regulations......so whether or not you're permitted to do this, or to do that, it doesn't matter.....you're not capable of keeping the slate clean.....that's why Jesus came to save us.


He knows we aren't capable of following his laws and requirements perfectly, to be sure, but surely it does not then follow that we ought not to try or bother to be concerned with what He wants?

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I don't eat a lot of pork. :laugh: I actually considered taking it all out of my diet because of what the BIBLE says in the Old Testament, I know, I know. Remove pork, insert semen. I wonder if that is a nutritional supplement? I'm having to choose my battles here. :D

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By the way, I'm not Catholic, so I was being altogether sarcastic, for I don't care much for the church's twisting of scripture and winking at disgusting practices like child molestation. Thus my remark about priests not needing to use contraceptives with the altar boys they molest.

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It isn't? I'd be interested to hear what the church's stance is then on contraceptives. I know if you're a priest, you don't need to use any with altar boys


Nice. Real nice. Have you heard of Dale Carnegie?

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actually considered taking it all out of my diet because of what the BIBLE says in the Old Testament


Remeber to ditch shrimp and shellfish and be sure to stone your disobedient children to death then. The Bible tells ya so!



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Originally posted by rtobiejr

He knows we aren't capable of following his laws and requirements perfectly, to be sure, but surely it does not then follow that we ought not to try or bother to be concerned with what He wants?


You're exactley right. And He knows what's truly in you heart and in your actions, he knows when you're genuine. God should be feared in that sense.

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The concepts of fear and punishment are concepts for children. Responsible adults should have sufficient compassion to feel grief when they cause pain to others without needing the idea of a narsty old man ready to thump them.

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Originally posted by tiki

Remove pork, insert semen. I wonder if that is a nutritional supplement? I'm having to choose my battles here. :D


Originally posted by rtobiejr

It isn't?

No. If you're interested in Catholic teachings, read a Catechism. Slurs aren't neccesary though, they only make you look like an ass.

Originally posted by Moose

Do you not believe that God could strike a man down at will?

*yawn* I'm counting on it.

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Originally posted by moimeme

Remeber to ditch shrimp and shellfish and be sure to stone your disobedient children to death then. The Bible tells ya so!




Actually, I don't eat any seafood. I'd never try shrimp or shellfish. They crawl on the bottom of the sea. :p


Stone my children to death? Ahh, no thanks.

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Originally posted by moimeme

The concepts of fear and punishment are concepts for children. Responsible adults should have sufficient compassion to feel grief when they cause pain to others without needing the idea of a narsty old man ready to thump them.



Explore this, "adult", concept then:


That's where, perhaps, you, Dyer, and I differ. My fear isn't because I'm afraid God is going to thump me. The fear I have is in mine being a disappointment to Him.


That would hurt me more than an a$$ whippin' any day.

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ANOTHER religious debate turned into something banal and uncomprehensible. So how does one relate all the junk just posted to Tiki's question?

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Originally posted by Moose

The fear I have is in mine being a disappointment to Him.

Then why don't you start using your powers for good?

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Then why don't you start using your powers for good?




That just popped into my head and made me chuckle for some unknown reason.

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Sometimes you guys make absolutley no sense to me.


Disappointing God has everything to do with a man's morals......that was the question, what is moral when it comes to sex with your spouse, yes?


OHHHHH, you guys are just trying to get me started again, aren't you? I'm sooooooooo stupid!

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Stone my children to death? Ahh, no thanks.


It says so in the Bible!!! C'mon now! Also you should not be wearing gold jewellery and you better not ever teach any courses. Saint Paul was quite clear on that.


So how does one relate all the junk just posted to Tiki's question?


We are talking about the Biblical injunctions and why they are not usually relevant to 2005 and what ought to be substituted for following the letter of the Bible. Keep up, will you?

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Originally posted by Mr Spock

So start your own thread. Not very fair of you to steal Tiki's like that is it Moi? But then again, it's nothing new.


Again, you're not making sense Spock. If you can't follow, don't post, otherwise, we'd have to start explaining things to you so you can keep up.....then we'd really be on a rabbit trail............................

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