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too young?

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I met this girl a while back. She is really pretty and we really like each other. The only problem is, im 22 and she's 16. I know she is a little young, but she and i have become best friends and we like each other. Im afraid of what friends and family will have to say about it. Im willing to do and go through whatever the risks are just to be with her. Does anyone have any advise on what i should do? I don't want to lose her. Please help!!!!!!

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I don't know what country you're in, but if you're in


the US, I suggest you stay away from her. At least


until she turns 18. A 6-year age difference in most relationships is not a big deal at all..I'm 21 and my bf is 6 yrs older...unless it's with someone in their teen's. There is a big difference in her maturity and thinking level. Also, in some states, they can press charges against you because she is considered a minor.


And most likely, friends and family will view you as MUCH older and think that you're after a young and naive 16 yr old GIRL, and even call you a pervert.


I guess the best thing to do is check with the laws in your area.

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My only advice is to enjoy it while you can because it won't last long. Sixteen year old girls are flakey, fickle and immature. Right now, you are a novelty...an older man...something she has conquered. You might even be watchful because it's very likely she will have a guy more her age around another corner.


Once the novelty wears away, her friends and family will get to her. Their objections will help you stick in her life a little longer because of the rebellion factor. Once she has gotten millage out of that, if her parents don't threaten to ground her, then she will drop you like a hot potato.


Now, if this relationship does last a year or two, ultimately she will want to see what else is out in the world and there is nothing you can do to stop her.


So any way you slice this one up, have a really good time while you can. You're very best bet, if you like her all that much, is to remain her dear friend until she's 20 or so. Even then, there are no guarantees.


Also, realize that if you touch any of her personal body parts, you will be committing a misdemeanor crime. If she tells her parents and they don't like you, you can bet they will make a police report and you will be arrested. If you have sex with her, that is statutory rape, punishable in most states by up to 25 years in prison. Statutory rape is having intercourse with any minor child under the age of 18, whether you or not you have their consent, parent's consent, anyone's consent. It is considered a crime against the state and no witnesses are required for conviction. Even if she gets a fake driver's license stating her age as 18, that is no defense either. So you get two screwings in one.


So now you know.....the rest...of the story..........Good Day!!!

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