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Flirting or banter?

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I don't have a lot of time so bullet points!


Colleague 10 years older than me

Extremely beautiful with an amazing body

Christmas party TONIGHT, she has asked to stay round my house

Constantly flirting with me at work

Told colleagues that she doesn't want me to be with any other girl at the party as "he's mine"


I know this may seem really obvious but I don't know, maybe it's too obvious? We get on stupidly well and are always making each other laugh, so that's why I question if this is just banter?


I'm not looking too much into this as she's a very friendly/bubbly person but what do you think?

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I think at the very least she enjoys flirting with you. Make a move if you are clear about all the downsides of an office romance.

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I think at the very least she enjoys flirting with you. Make a move if you are clear about all the downsides of an office romance.


I will not be making a move, and yeah I doubt it would be worth the complications :)

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She sounds married. ;)


Talk doesn't always equate to feeling. IME, rarely. Most of the time it is, or should be, a fun mind-fµck, as long as both people are on the same page. Married women are expert at this, especially the ones who don't wear wedding rings. BTDT many times.


I'll second the advice to go to the party and have fun. Flirt with other ladies there. Get around. See what happens. Good luck.

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Plenty of touching n hugging etc and told me if she wasn't with her boyfriend she'd want me, didn't stay round.


Fair enough :cool:

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Plenty of touching n hugging etc and told me if she wasn't with her boyfriend she'd want me, didn't stay round.


Fair enough :cool:


Smells like skank to me...


I see a red flag.

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She asked me out to dinner this weekend!?!


Yes I'm going, she is a lot of fun.


But still WTF!?

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She asked me out to dinner this weekend!?!


Yes I'm going, she is a lot of fun.


But still WTF!?


You said she has a boyfriend right?

Tread lightly.

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Oh my. My office romance broke up with me 2 months ago. We were together and serious for 8 months. We were flirting in the office for a year before that. Now its absolutely wretched working with him. I have to endure seeing and hearing him every...single...day...at work. Ugh! And he treats me like any other colleague he has zero interest in. All communication is work related with absolutely no personal friendly chit chat. A drastic change from being his love interest. Plus, now I have to endure him making a play for his 25 year old employee (I don't report to him. I report to the director of our branch who is his boss too. He's a supervisor). Its excruiating watching and listening to him flirt, laugh and spend soooo much ***** time in her office. Making the same moves on her as he made on me.


Soooo, beware. I recommend staying away and not going there at all. Good luck!

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I've taken a step back, I don't understand her intentions and it's all a bit weird.


Thanks for the advise as usual guys.

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She asked me out to dinner this weekend!?!


Yes I'm going, she is a lot of fun.


But still WTF!?

While it appears you've already made a decision on this, a response I came to practice and polish in circumstances like these is: 'That sounds wonderful. I look forward to meeting your boyfriend/husband. I'm sure we'll have a great time. Should I bring a date?'


Then, a nice smile, a wink and move on. That's what banter is all about, and this kind is perfectly appropriate to say right in front of the person's partner, so no cheating is involved, hence healthy. People can read into it what they wish. Me, I'm just having fun, thanks to the lessons of many MW's.

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While it appears you've already made a decision on this, a response I came to practice and polish in circumstances like these is: 'That sounds wonderful. I look forward to meeting your boyfriend/husband. I'm sure we'll have a great time. Should I bring a date?'


Then, a nice smile, a wink and move on. That's what banter is all about, and this kind is perfectly appropriate to say right in front of the person's partner, so no cheating is involved, hence healthy. People can read into it what they wish. Me, I'm just having fun, thanks to the lessons of many MW's.


I'm not going, she creeped me out by complimenting me every time I walked past her.


I'm going to avoid her from now on.

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It sounds like a troll..



However, she is has a boyfriend. She's a skank for flirting with you.


She is being totally inappropriate.

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That's interesting, the suggestion that she's trolling him for a reaction. Good stuff. I'll remember that for the next time. Could have some fun with that.


OP, I get that you feel creeped out but, man, it's big world with all sorts of people in it. Some folks like to jerk your feelings around just to amuse themselves. Get down on your knees and thank the deity of your choice that you're not them. Smile, learn to do some jerk-around of your own with those who bring it to your doorstep, and enjoy life. It's brief.

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