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my girlfriend thinks im cheating

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Me and my girlfriend have been dating for a little over a year and are in a long distance relationship, and for some reason she wants to end our relationship cause she thinks im "cheating." Even know thats the last thing ill ever do..


So in the beggining of our relationship, I told her about this girl that liked me and always tryed hanging out and stuff, since we alwats told each other that kind of stuff. And this girl was always commenting and liking my instagram posts. But my girlfriend didnt say anything about that, it didnt seem like it bothered her.


So fast forward about 10 months, I show her a screenshot of something funny that my friend said in a convo. The girl was in that convo because my friend invited her. But she doesnt even talk in it or anything, her name was just there. And when I sent the screenshot to my girlfriend, I didnt think nothing of it.. because there was honestly nothing wrong with it, But when she saw it she was like whos that? Is that the same girl all over your ig, you told me about her.. why do you still talk to her. And starts accusing me of cheating me of cheating saying theres something between us and that day she broke up with me.. i was so pissed lol


But the next day she let me explain and I told her theres nothing between us and she believed me i guess and she told me it looked what it looked like.But in my opinion it didnt look like anything. but from that point we wer back to normal.


So fast forward another 2 months, my kik decides to be funny and adds my girlfriend to a kik convo. But I didnt really think nothing of it, because i didn't expect him to do what he did. In the kik convo, it was me and 4 other friends, and now my girlfriend. The girl that I was talking about is the only friend that we all have in common. So that night, my friend was randomly like "I gained respect for you when you macked on that girl last week" and started saying stuff like i was kissing her and stuff. Then my girlfirend was like "He better be kidding" and thats the last thing she said all night. And me and my friend wer arguing for hella long till he finally said he was joking.


Then in the morning my girlfriend was like theres a truth behind every joke. And I tried to make her beleive me but shes now saying she doesnt trust me so she cant believe me. And was telling me to do us all a favor and go be with that girl instead. And we kept arguing and she kept repeated that shes done.


What pisses me off the most, is that, I dont Even talk to this girl... Like never.. and there was nothing between us.. we only hung out once, but thats cause my friends invited her.. Like none of this is my fault. Ill never cheat on her and shes accusing me of something i didnt do.


The last thing I said to her was "You ended our relationship over some bull****, im proud of you. We wer looking forward to so much, but you let go of it all over nothing.

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Ok so the screenshot definitely was you doing nothing wrong. That was your gf being paranoid and jealous. Which I guess you probably expect more of in a LDR, but that doesn't make it better. She was very wrong to get so upset at you.


Now the chat incident with your friend, well..your friend is a f*cking a-hole. Seriously, even if he didn't know that your gf didn't like this other girl, he still should of known how she'd react to him talking about you macking on other girls. Then the fact you had to argue for a long time with him didn't help, it would make me think that your friend just eventually agreed with you just to stop the argument. So I can see why she was upset, though it's not your fault here so that sucks.


I see why she was upset, but I don't think she should of broken up with you..it comes down to trust, if she trusted you she would believe you about the truth. My advice is just stop talking to her, let her come to you. Don't email, call, etc. Let HER come a crawling. If she does then it is up to you if you want to forgive her. Personally I would not say you definitely should not forgive her since that last incident wasn't your fault, but it DID look bad. She took it to an extreme and dumped you, so you have to make her understand she has a lot of changing to do if she wants this relationship to work and for you to give her another chance.


One thing, you are in a LDR, how often do you guys see each other in person?

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Wer 17 and she was about to move closer acouple months from now, we never seen each other in person. She wants me to prove that theres nothing between us, but how do i do that with a girl that i dont even talk to?

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Your friend is a total asshat.


In my experience, most times a partner starts getting ridiculously suspicious of cheating for basically no real reason (as she was before your friend was a dink, as I gather) then it means that the partner is actually cheating and projecting it onto you.


Or did she just start getting paranoid after your friends remarks?

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You don't. And neither will a Moderator.

this is here to stay.

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Wer 17 and she was about to move closer acouple months from now, we never seen each other in person. She wants me to prove that theres nothing between us, but how do i do that with a girl that i dont even talk to?


Well I do not feel an online relationship the same as a long distance one, but lets not split hairs. How far away do you live from her? You say she was "about to move closer a couple months from now". What does this mean? She is 17 did she convince her parents to move for some guy?


Has she bought a house yet or an apartment? If she was legitimately going to come in a couple months I would assume she would have things like that taken care of.


Also shouldn't you maybe wait until you meet in person before you decide she should move by you? Sometimes people who get along great online just don't really click in person. Weird question, is your girl attractive? I only ask because it seems strange to me an attractive 17 yr. old girl just wouldn't find a guy closer to where she lives? I point this out because I've known some guys who were in online relationships and it turned out their gf's were banging other dudes. They were basically using these guys online as their emotional support, then going out and getting physical with other dudes. You sure she hasn't done anything like that?


Forgive the personal questions, but are you her first boyfriend? Has she had other boyfriends that weren't online before? Is she a virgin? I ask about these things since I'm just curious where her head is at. If she's a virgin, etc and never really had a boyfriend it might explain the paranoia a bit better.


Just be careful dude, this chick is at a time in her life where she's probably going to start getting urges to "explore" with other dudes. I've seen people absolutely devastated over online relationships.

Edited by Spectre
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