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MEN - When a guy tells you he likes you, does it mean he is falling in love with you?


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There is a guy I really like. I first noticed a change in his behaviour towards me over 2 years ago. For over 2 years, he has been incredibly kind and nice to me, stares at me, compliments me, flirts with me, and tries to touch me, and tries to hold me as much as he can. I shared a very romantic moment with him, when he asked me for a kiss and a hug. It was a very slow and intimate hug, and was really romantic for me. He told me a few times in a serious tone in his voice that he likes me. With all I have said here, when he said he likes me does that mean he is falling in love with me? When a guy tells a girl he likes her (In a serious way) does it mean he likes her a lot more than he is saying to her, but could be afraid of scaring her, or for whatever other reason? I would really appreciate a guys opinion. This guy still says and does all the things I have said at the start of my post, and it all continues over 2 years later. My head is all over the place with it all, please help x

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There are of course, exceptions...as MM above stated "generally".


I don't LIKE any woman. I like, as friendship my female friends.


It also depends on how it was said, in what context.


On a sidenote, desperate incels will say "I like you" in the "like" term to almost ANY woman that talks to them

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I'd say he's pretty into you.But you should know him after two years to see what kind of personality he has and whether or not he's straight forward with these kind of things.

Or you could see how he reacts when you're around other guys.

Or you could ask him directly if you hate playing games.

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If he does love you then what then? You do not love him you said you only like him, you'd have to make him understand that you care, but don't feel the same.


I also have to wonder..it has been TWO YEARS and he hasn't made a move yet other then telling you he likes you? How old are you guys? Have you been single for the entire time he's been showing this "change" to you?


Or you could see how he reacts when you're around other guys.


What kind of advice is this? Why play games? If I was into a girl and found out she was playing games like that with me to see how into her I was..then well suddenly I wouldn't be that into her anymore. It's behavior I'd expect from high school girls.


Your advice also makes little practical sense. He doesn't need to be falling in love with her to get jealous over other guys. Also just her being in the presence of other guys probably wouldn't spark jealousy. What would you have her do, kiss other dudes in front of him? Bump and grind with some dudes in front of him?


I urge the OP to not listen to that kind of advice, acting that way won't help anything with this guy it will hinder it. It will just make him think you're not in any way interested in him as more then a friend.

Edited by Spectre
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If he does love you then what then? You do not love him you said you only like him, you'd have to make him understand that you care, but don't feel the same.


I also have to wonder..it has been TWO YEARS and he hasn't made a move yet other then telling you he likes you? How old are you guys? Have you been single for the entire time he's been showing this "change" to you?




What kind of advice is this? Why play games? If I was into a girl and found out she was playing games like that with me to see how into her I was..then well suddenly I wouldn't be that into her anymore. It's behavior I'd expect from high school girls.


Your advice also makes little practical sense. He doesn't need to be falling in love with her to get jealous over other guys. Also just her being in the presence of other guys probably wouldn't spark jealousy. What would you have her do, kiss other dudes in front of him? Bump and grind with some dudes in front of him?


I urge the OP to not listen to that kind of advice, acting that way won't help anything with this guy it will hinder it. It will just make him think you're not in any way interested in him as more then a friend.


Firstly what I said wasn't me telling her to deliberately talk to others when he's there.

secondly I didn't even hint any game play.

Thirdly it's not a game when she's talking to other guys when this guy is also present somewhere nearby.I simply SUGGESTED that she see if it bothers him in anyway.NOT that she should talk to other guys for the purpose of that.

I don't know what you're saying other than she should stop talking to guys all together when he's around.

Personally I think you used to be the gamer or the gamee at some point that's why you got on the "attack mode"

I still stand by what I said.As long as this situation you have continues,anything you do,on his part or yours,to me,is a game.

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