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This guy in her math class

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Drives me crazy. He stares at her all the time excessively. By excessively, I mean, is always looking at her ass and at her chest. Multiple times a day. It doesn't bug me that much, but I don't exactly like it. I've known the guy for a few years and he doesn't get any girls...at all. In a way, I feel bad for him. That's all beside the point, though. Today he asked her how often she masturbates and if he could grab her boobs. The kid is in my gym class, so I always tell him to knock it off and he says he will. He tries to insult me all the time or put me down, which pisses me off a bit, but I don't mind that much because I would imagine he's just jealous that he doesn't have Lauren (my girlfriend, the one he checks out). He even tells me in gym "When you two break up, she's gonna go out with me" and how he would "**** her so hard." Not cool at all. I tell him to knock it off repeatdly, but it doesn't seem to be working. Lauren tells me everything he does, so if he does grab her, I'll go to the office and settle it.


Any advice on what to do?

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Does your school have a sexual harassment policy? Is there anyone - a teacher, or counselor there at school that she could file a complaint with?

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I'm sure they do. She doesn't want to file anything yet, because he hasn't actually touched her yet.


The second he does, you can bet I'll be in the office.

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this guy needs an attitude readjustment, beat the snot out of him but first give him 2 or 3 warnings. he is being totally disrespectful to both of you.


another comment...if a man dates attractive women then he better get used to a certain amount of stares, looks, come ons and jealousy from other men. it is a fact of life. oh yeah, and watch out for your buddies too, they'll be the first ones to hit on her behind your back.

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I have warned this guy several times, he's had more than his fair share of warnings. I doubt I could beat him up, I don't weigh very much and he weighs...a lot. He probably has 100 lbs on me.


Most of the friends I hang out with have girlfriends too, so they aren't going to be hitting on her.

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Then this guy needs a major attitude adjustment...but from your girl! Here’s a question, what does your gf do when this guy says those disrespectful things to her? Does she try to just laugh it off (which he might take as some sort of interest) or does she tell this guy majorly off (which he deserves)?



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she has to be the one to report it b/c it involves her & her safety.... i dont know if they would do as much if you were to report it but its worth a shot

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Originally posted by Huntr777

Then this guy needs a major attitude adjustment...but from your girl! Here’s a question, what does your gf do when this guy says those disrespectful things to her? Does she try to just laugh it off (which he might take as some sort of interest) or does she tell this guy majorly off (which he deserves)?





She does one of two things:


1-ignores him




2-gets mad at him, and if this is the case he keeps going to annoy her more.

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Its verbal harassment, she shouldn't have to take that from any guy and he really does need to learn a lesson. You'll be doing him a favour when he gets called to the office to explain his reaction, the sooner he gets his problem sorted the better.

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She should consider option 3:


Reporting his behavior to the school counselor and saying that she feels that she is not safe, and cannot handle his sexual threats. One of the top goals of school systems is to provide a safe environment for the students. If there is a student causing another student to feel unsafe, the school is obligated to fix the situation.

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