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Hi new here and would like some advise. Been dating for 2 years & happy ever after etc. My girlfriend kissed another man at xmas party> I saw it happen just lips nothing else but I felt bad about it.She says Im being stupid but Im hurting that she would do this. Am I reacting too much? Feel stupid and used. Thanks for reading.

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Like greeting kiss..(quick peck) or make out session? There is a difference. If it's the latter then yup...not cool, not cool at all! Either way, either kiss, you feel upset and she's brushing you off like it's not a big deal. How's your relationship? What did she do/say after the kiss? How did you react? How are things now?

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To me, a kiss is a kiss. And when it comes to kissing it should only be reserved for the one you're with. Was it a mistletoe toe kiss?


Even that's not cool either.


It obviously hurts you, and it sucks that she's acting like it's no big deal. She should care about your feelings.

confront her about it, and how you don't feel good about it.

This could end bad, but its okay, she's not treating you like she should, which isn't fair to you. Remember kissing could lead to another thing--cheating-- I'm not saying that's what she's doing, but she needs to know that kissing other men is not acceptable.


I have a question. This man; was he a friend? Was there anybody else around? where did you see them kiss?

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Like greeting kiss..(quick peck) or make out session? There is a difference. If it's the latter then yup...not cool, not cool at all! Either way, either kiss, you feel upset and she's brushing you off like it's not a big deal. How's your relationship? What did she do/say after the kiss? How did you react? How are things now?


I would like to +1 this question. My friends and I kiss on cheeks when we greet one another. Is this a cultural thing, or did she indeed have a liplock with another man? If the latter, that's a clear dealbreaker. If the former, she's just not handling your feelings about it very well (and she needs to be more sensitive to your needs).

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