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I'm 22 years old and not sexually active. the other day i was messing around with my boyfriend we didn't have intercourse but I rubbed myself against his penis and i felt a pleasent tension in my genital ares which later i felt a little contractions in my vagina. is this an orgasm?

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Bobby Dygytul

Its like a small child experiencing the radiance of the sunlight for the very first time!!!!!!!!!


Well, dammit Paulie, for those who haven't experienced one, TELL US WHAT IT'S LIKE!!!
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This is pretty funny..... I mean how can a guy describe a female orgasm... half the time they dont even know when we're having one....


AND, everyone seems to be scooting around the question. Someone give the poor girl a straight answer.....


During sex, muscles around the man's penis and the woman's genitals become stimulated and tense. When this tension is released at the peak of sexual excitement, men and women


experience an intense, very pleasant and sometimes overwhelming physical and mental feeling, called an orgasm or climax.


The duration and intensity of the orgasm differs from woman to woman. Some women experience an intense peak of pleasure that fades quickly, while others have a longer lasting spreading warmth. Some women peak and then gradually


subside into a series of smaller orgasms.


The response to orgasm may vary.


A women may arch her body, tense her muscles and her face


may contort. She may scream, cry out or bite her lips in pleasure, or she may be quiet and serene.


Most women reach orgasm through stimulation of


the clitoris, but this is not the only kind of orgasm. Stimulation of the 'G spot' for some women


results in an intense orgasm. Most women need to be repeatedly stimulated to have more than one orgasm.

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What an orgasm feels like..it's difficult to describe the feeling with words...but here goes:


you feel this tingling sensation all over your body...you can sometimes feel it from the top of your head down to your toes, your mind goes numb..you forget everything...you're incapable of thinking about anything, except maybe 'oh i can't handle this feeling much longer or i'll go insane'. and you feel the tension building up and you go wild..your body moves..you feel these waves of pleasure going through your whole body...overwhelming pleasure and your eyes roll back...


a feeling of bliss..how do you describe bliss? and you feel your face flush..and then you just relax and feel all warm....


I hope that helps..the intensity and what you feel can vary greatly.

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Gawd, Sparkle...you described how I feel right down to a Tee when I eat Haagen Das butter pecan...and sometimes dulce de leche (a new flavor). Of course, I think I may get a mini orgasm eating the cookie dough.


Another thing that makes me feel just like you described is at Christmas time when somebody makes me rich fudge with pecans. And those seven layer bars do it to me as well.


Come to think of it, who the hell needs sex if you've got Haagen Das...and you don't have to worry about wining and dining or erections and diseases. You just buy the stuff.


Also, I have a friend who walks around with a continuous orgasm. His mind has been numb for years.


You do a really excellent job of describing orgasms. I just want to read your post over and over and over...but I think I'll just go get the ice cream instead.

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Tony, you crack me up!


Haagen Dazs! my favorite..yummy..those flavors are so good. And since I'm trying to stay away from a certain activity anymore until i'm engaged or married, it looks like i'll be eating a lot of icecream!


Anyway, check your email...since we're on this subject, I couldn't resist.



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