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Wished him a happy birthday


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I feel like kind of a jerk, I decided to call that guy who said he doesn't want to be serious with me and wish him a happy birthday because it's his birthday today. He answered, said he was busy driving back and forth between home and the east side for some project he's on. I said I thought I would take the time out to wish him a happy birthday just because. It wasn't really "just because", was kind of hoping he wanted to see me but he said he was very busy the next few days. He said he hoped we would talk later on in a few more weeks.



Just to review, he said wasn't ready to settle down yet, he wants to see other women after we'd been together for about 6 weeks. I have no idea if he actually is or isn't, I wouldn't have asked because it's not my business to do so. I wanted to reach out for human contact because I am lonely as well even though I have been going out and flirting like mad with other guys and Internet dating to get over him. And it makes me feel good to flirt with other guys too, feeling like it gives me some self worth. If he can't see how good I am for him then he's got the problem, of course. He's a weak person, can't commit to me or someone else, instead he just floats from one to another to another and probably lets them down as well. Life goes on. Just a rant or some self pity.

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Unfortunately, he's made up his mind and you're not part of the equation. It sucks the salty sweat off the underside of a dirty donkey's balls, I know.


Leave him be. If his lightbulb goes off and he realizes that you are worth it, he'll look for you. I'm sure you know this though. Good luck!

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Yes, he is wishy washy. He won't make me or anyone else happy, I guess I felt like I wanted to reach out to someone in particular him because I was/am lonely.

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He seems to be telling you like it is, maybe trying to be nice in the process. But it looks like it isn't happening. Any effort towards this relationship you may or may not have with him seems futile from here on out.

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Hey Mortensorchid,


It is OK to feel bad. Give your self the time and opportunity to detach from what you thought coulda/shoulda/woulda been a good thing. I hope you do yourself a huge favor and go NC for awhile.


Seems like there is no sense concerning yourself with this guy. He is the one losing out. Don't even let your mind wonder about him. It CAN NOT empower you. Hope you focus on yourself now and soon enough you will be ready to fully accept "Mr. Worthy" when he steps into your life.


Sounds like you are ready for some fun and socializing, so go do that. Reach out to friends and do the activities that you love. I believe like the sun will rise in the east tomorrow, that the right person can show up for you, but it will happen when you are ready and the time is right. Are you there yet??? If not, then it is really up to you and only you to make it happen!!!


Good Luck to you

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