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Do I tell FWB about calling a different guy?

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Should I tell my "FWB/Lover" that I am going to call a guy I was seeing before he and I started doing our thing? We are not at all in a "committed" relationship. He has told me that he would understand if I started "dating" because he is emotionally incapable of a relationship to a more serious degree of what we have. I am not really looking for a relationship relationship either but I am starting to wonder if I should start to spread my wings a little and get back out there. So I figured I would call Bob(the guy I used to see) up to see if he wanted to get together for dinner as friends just to get my feet wet with that whole side of relationships again. For the last two years I have been in my current relationship - which isnt a relationship - and I just dont remember what its like going out to dinner and stuff since we dont do anything like that now. All we do now is go to bars or go to friends houses to hang out but we dont go out to dinner or to movies or anything because of some of his social anxieties that prevent him from being in some public places etc. (see some of my prior posts)... so do I tell him that I am going to call Bob? Do I owe it to him to tell him about Bob?

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well since bob is emationally incapable.... i would be leary to tell him...but as a friend, wouldn't you tell him?

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You don't really owe it to him to tell him - but it would be good to tell him for informational purposes since you are involved with him on some level.

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Bob is the one that I might call... my FWB - lets call him Chris - is the one with the emotional issues... but it seems like you think I should tell Chris as a friend that I am calling Bob as a friend? Thanks! I really do value the advice here so please keep posting... I know some of my questions seem dumb sometimes but I have never been good with relationship ettiquette (sp)...

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I would tell Chris you are going to call Bob, but I wouldn't make a big deal of it. My FWB we both know we see other people but we don't delve, he talks about going out with friends, I talk about going out with friends. They're really dates but we don't flaunt it.

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If you start letting your FWB control your dating life, then you are giving him way more than he deserves. I would recommend breaking off the FWB so you can be truly free to pursue other men who may be interested in real relationships.


The only case where FWB needs to know ANYTHING about other men in your life is when exchange of bodily fluids is involved. Otherwise, privacy must prevail.

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