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Mixed signals from a co-worker

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I need advice on a situation I am currently in with a co-worker, I am so confused! He and I have always had a friendly relationship, and although I have always found him attractive, I have never acted on it. Recently though, in the past month or so, the dynamic between us seems to have changed. I feel like he is acting like he is really interested in me, and I guess I am looking for unbiased opinions.


Basically, in the past month or so, I have noticed that we seem to always see each other and talk at least once a day while at work. Before, we would occasionally talk, but often there would be times where we wouldn't really talk for a few days in a row. Now, there doesn't seem to be a day that goes by that he isn't either coming up to my desk to talk or waving me into his office as I walk by. If he sees me in another coworker's office, he'll make a point to stop in and talk. He seems to ask me for my opinion on projects that we work on together, which normally wouldn't be odd, but he doesn't ask the other graphic designers for their opinions - only me. On top of that, he makes very direct eye contact with me whenever we are talking, and constantly smiles at me.


Normally, I am very oblivious to when guys are flirting with me, and most of the above would probably have missed my attention if it hadn't been for two specific events in the past two weeks. The first was our office holiday party. I was recovering from a cold, and opted to sit all the way at the end of the table so as to limit the interactions I would have with my coworkers, and he ended up sitting next to me. We chatted a bit, mainly small talk, but he poured all my drinks, scooped food onto my plate, and would lean over and ask how I'm feeling. I thought it was very nice of him, but thought it might have been a friendly gesture because of the cold I was getting over.


However, the second event (the companywide holiday party last weekend) was really the kicker for me. He normally won't text me unless I text him first, but he started texting me while waiting to park his car, and when I bumped into him inside the building, we talked for a bit. We ended up not being at the same table for dinner (stupid assigned seats) but immediately following, he made his way over to my table and we sat and chatted together the entire night. I noticed several times that since we were sitting so close together, our legs or arms would touch, but he never pulled away. Then, when people were taking pictures of our group, he leaned against me, put his arm around my shoulder, and leaned his head right against mine. I bravely put my hand on his knee, which he did not move away from either. Towards the end of the night, we were eating off the same plate and sharing glasses of wine and water. Following the end of the party, I sent him a text and told him I had a great time, to which he said he did as well. The whole evening, in my opinion, had a date-like feel to it.


Am I crazy, or is he into me? He's invited me out to events - he invited me to an art show next month and mentioned we should go to a local comedy club, but with other people on both accounts. I feel like he is sending me signals that he likes me, but I don't know if I am reading too much into it or not. I'm tempted to make a move, but I don't want to embarrass myself. Lastly, there is a pretty significant age gap between us - he is probably a good 10-12 years older than me, although I am close to 30 and in my mind, it's not a big deal. However, I'm not sure if that is a factor - if he does like me, would he be thrown off by approaching a woman that much younger than him?


Ugh, sorry this is so long, but this entire situation is driving me crazy - it's all I can think about! I need advice!

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I think he might like you but is looking for more reassureance that if he sticks his neck out that you won't reject him.

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