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Im Depressed


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i have a horrible life i have alot of friends a horrible home to go to I'm only 16 and haven't had a girlfriend since the 6th grade. is there something i do wrong I'm always depressed but i never show it. Everyone thinks I'm always happy and never have a bad day. I like a girl alot she knows i do she said she likes me but she wont go out with me. she is the only one besides my sister that i actually can talk to. I need a girl friend Bad

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I just responded to your other post, I didn't realize you were 16. I'm sure there must be other girls in your school that you're attracted to and could make an effort to get to know..just because one girl doesn't want to go out with you that doesn't mean others won't. :)

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I agree with Barby.


You have to be open to dating anyone, by that I do not mean settle for less, but be open to dating people who you would normally think you would not date. You cannot stick to trying to date just one girl that will put you behind in finding someone who is compatible with you.

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I kinda know how you feel. I like this girl and she might like me but I don't see her on a regular basis. It's hard but you gotta keep your mind open. There will be other girls down the line but you have to be patient. Or just open your eyes a bit wider. There girl I have a crush on goes to my church and I've seen her once since she's come home from school. I was planning to ask for her number the next time I saw her but I haven't seen her. What I do is pray everything works out. She might not be the one for me. I'll keep looking. Hey, you already knows she likes you. If she changes her mind you are set. I'm not telling you play the field just keep some options open.

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Originally posted by naive_2001

I agree with Barby.


You have to be open to dating anyone, by that I do not mean settle for less, but be open to dating people who you would normally think you would not date. You cannot stick to trying to date just one girl that will put you behind in finding someone who is compatible with you.



i am open to dating almost anyone it just seems that there not interested

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I think everyone thought their life sucked when they were 15-17. Its a stressful and hormonal time for teens. I do remember how messed up I thought everything was. However, that doesnt mean its not important (how you feel), it is very important. Self confidence is the key. Dont dwell on it and just enjoy hanging out and doing whatever it is that you do- girlfriends only happen to boys who arent looking for them, it seems. At least thats how it works in my life - when I am dating someone or HAPPILY single, someone comes along. If you are on the hunt, there is nothing to be found. Just hang out with your friends.. you never know, one of them might have a cool sister or cousin - or maybe another friend you havent met yet who would be perfect for ya!

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Originally posted by davidabriner

i have a horrible life i have alot of friends a horrible home to go to I'm only 16 and haven't had a girlfriend since the 6th grade. is there something i do wrong I'm always depressed but i never show it. Everyone thinks I'm always happy and never have a bad day. I like a girl alot she knows i do she said she likes me but she wont go out with me. she is the only one besides my sister that i actually can talk to. I need a girl friend Bad


I know you won't listen to me, or take my word for a grain of salt, but in the perspective of a 20 year old, to HELL with highschool relationships. They are never any good, and they only make things harder. If you dont manage to get a girlfriend by junior year, wait until college when you are smarter, and girls are less fickle.

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Originally posted by VercigenariX

I know you won't listen to me, or take my word for a grain of salt, but in the perspective of a 20 year old, to HELL with highschool relationships. They are never any good, and they only make things harder. If you dont manage to get a girlfriend by junior year, wait until college when you are smarter, and girls are less fickle.




It doesnt realy matter if i have a relationship as long as i have someone i can get close to.. I found that it is much easier to talk to a girl than a guy. when i had to move from my old home. I had to move away from the love of my life. We could not be separated until I had to move here. I just need someone like her then ill be happy.

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yeah, hormones suck. I told myself a couple of years ago that I would take my mind completely off girls, and if I meet one then great. So I was having a great life until I met this girl who wanted to hang out. So yeah, now she's all I think about... and I don't know if it's love or hormones. Maybe both? I just hate winter break. :(


Don't be hard on yourself, I'm 19 and never had a girlfriend. Hell, I've never had a first kiss. I'm popular I just don't feel the need to ask girls out. The girls I'd like would have the "confidence" to go after me first. Oh well, if thing don't go well with this girl that I can't stop thinking about I may have to go on the offensive.


As for the depression, you're young. Just swear off girls for a while. Not only will that make you feel better, but it will give you hordes of confidence that girls will just swoon over.

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