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I have a girlfriend. We dated for 10 months. We are madly in love. however, something pretty messed up happened. I was in Amsterdam with my buddies, where we got stoned, and ,well, and visited the Red Light District. Well, to make the story short, I had sex with a whore. So here I am, and I know if I tell her, forget the relationship. SHould I keep my mouth shut? I really love her, and I know I made a mistake.


I know for sure, like 99.999% that If I tell her that, she will leave me, because we promised each other that we would not cheat on each other... Is this cheating? I was very high, and basically did not realize what I was doing....


Any advice?

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Forgive yourself, forget it and keep your mouth shut. Why do people always think they have to run and tell their partners this kind of stupid crap that they do?


However, you need to grow up, bub. Getting stoned is for losers. If you really love this girl, why do you want to be a criminal. Using drugs is illegal. You can get your butt put in jail for some time if you get caught. And look at the stupid things you do when you're stoned.


Also, stay away from your girl sexually for four or five months. Get yourself checked for AIDS. The incubation period is about four or five months. You can pass on genital warts even if you used a condom. Tell her you have given up sex for religious purposes until the end of May.


Now, if you intend to do this again, yes tell her and end the relationship. No girl deserves to be with a turkeybrain who gets stoned and cheats on her with prostitutes. Now if you ever get stoned again, I will personally give her all the details myself.


Forgive yourself, keep your mouth shut about this, go...and sin no more!!!

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THank you TONy, I am relieved now little bit. I will sin no more. Actually getting stoned is legal in Amsterdam and the prostitutes are clean too, since it is legal as well....


But, I got your point, I will go to church maybe and repent!


Thanks Man!



Forgive yourself, forget it and keep your mouth shut. Why do people always think they have to run and tell their partners this kind of stupid crap that they do? However, you need to grow up, bub. Getting stoned is for losers. If you really love this girl, why do you want to be a criminal. Using drugs is illegal. You can get your butt put in jail for some time if you get caught. And look at the stupid things you do when you're stoned.


Also, stay away from your girl sexually for four or five months. Get yourself checked for AIDS. The incubation period is about four or five months. You can pass on genital warts even if you used a condom. Tell her you have given up sex for religious purposes until the end of May.


Now, if you intend to do this again, yes tell her and end the relationship. No girl deserves to be with a turkeybrain who gets stoned and cheats on her with prostitutes. Now if you ever get stoned again, I will personally give her all the details myself. Forgive yourself, keep your mouth shut about this, go...and sin no more!!!

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YOU WRITE: "But, I got your point, I will go to church maybe and repent!"


I don't think you need to go to church to repent. Many of the prostitutes go there to repent...and you may be tempted once again.


Just forget about all this right now, erase it from your mind, and try to be a better human being.


And I don't care how clean you think the prostitutes are in Amsterdam, they get dipped enough to catch things in between checkups...and bacteria are getting immune to antibiotics. Be careful.


Just because this crap is legal in your country doesn't make it right. It just means the government is too cheap to want to spend money on enforcing drug laws...and they make money on the prositution.

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Seems to me, you're simply looking for someone to tell you that you don't have to BE HONEST WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. That's pathetic. You know that your relationship will be over if you tell the truth, so why don't you be a MAN and face the consequences for your actions.


Just because prostitution is legal in Amsterdam, and the whores there are regularly tested, that means diddly. Genital Herpes and Genital Warts *can* be spread even if a condom is used.....and these whores might not even know they have it, because a person can have these NON CURABLE STDs without knowing it (they don't have active lesions).


Did you know that certain strains of Genital warts can cause Cancer of the Cervix in women? So buddy....you could possibly be risking your girlfriend's future health.


What kind of relationship do you have here? Where is the trust and HONESTY?? How can you live with yourself, knowing that the *only* reason your girlfriend is with you is because she doesn't know the truth?


Please spare us about you being 'madly in love with her'....if that was true, you wouldn't have acted like such an irresponsible, horse's ass.


Nobody FORCED you to do drugs....just like the drugs didn't "make" you have sex with a whore.


I feel really sorry for your girlfriend.



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Not to minimize your problem but I was in amsterdam last june and we stayed in the red light district,what a whole new world ha? I absolutly loved it.and I'am going back.Everything is legal and everything goes, I think some people who normally would not hire a whore or smoke pot would once they experirenced the atmosphere of the red light district.As for telling your g/f,I think somethings are best not mentioned,esp,if this is a one time thing, this isn't your normal behavior,you have never cheated b/4 and not trusting one another is not an issue in your reltionship.BUT!!!!!!!! if this is your normal behavior and you like to make a habit out of this you still need not tell her,because you know why?? in time it will all tell itself.She will figure it all out on her own if this is the kinda person you truly are.If the secret starts affecting you in a negative way and is affecting how you feel about your g/f and your self , she will also pick up on that.

I have a girlfriend. We dated for 10 months. We are madly in love. however, something pretty messed up happened. I was in Amsterdam with my buddies, where we got stoned, and ,well, and visited the Red Light District. Well, to make the story short, I had sex with a whore. So here I am, and I know if I tell her, forget the relationship. SHould I keep my mouth shut? I really love her, and I know I made a mistake. I know for sure, like 99.999% that If I tell her that, she will leave me, because we promised each other that we would not cheat on each other... Is this cheating? I was very high, and basically did not realize what I was doing.... Any advice?
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I mean this is deception and even if you were high, it is no excuse. I can't believe that men sleep with hookers. You aren't only risking your health but you are risking your girlfriend's. That is just totally not fair to her. Cheating is cheating. I feel bad for her because at this point she probably has no clue about what you were doing over there. How can you look her in the face?


I think you should tell her. It is only fair. Yes, you risk losing the relationship. If you don't tell her, your relationship will be based on lies.

Not to minimize your problem but I was in amsterdam last june and we stayed in the red light district,what a whole new world ha? I absolutly loved it.and I'am going back.Everything is legal and everything goes, I think some people who normally would not hire a whore or smoke pot would once they experirenced the atmosphere of the red light district.As for telling your g/f,I think somethings are best not mentioned,esp,if this is a one time thing, this isn't your normal behavior,you have never cheated b/4 and not trusting one another is not an issue in your reltionship.BUT!!!!!!!! if this is your normal behavior and you like to make a habit out of this you still need not tell her,because you know why?? in time it will all tell itself.She will figure it all out on her own if this is the kinda person you truly are.If the secret starts affecting you in a negative way and is affecting how you feel about your g/f and your self , she will also pick up on that.


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jeeez! i have never heard such utter crap! and you ask, after you tell us about screwing a whore, "Is this cheating?" what the hell is that? of COURSE it is! DUH!


listen, if the two of you made a promise to each other about not cheating, (and this might come as a huge surprise) well, you broke that promise and she has a right to know. you made some very questionable choices and now it's her time to make some choices, too.


not only did you break a promise, you have also put her at risk for STDs. and she has a right to know that, too. look, you may not have much respect for your relationship (you showed that by having meaningless sex with a whore) but at least have some respect for your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend's health.


i may sound a bit harsh here and i do apologize for that. we all make mistakes and so on and so forth but the fact that you even have to ask if sleeping with a whore is considered cheating just makes me irate!


best of luck. i she finds it in her heart to forgive you one day . . .

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What to do?


Here is what you need to do...


Ask yourself, "What if my girlfriend did the same thing that I did?"


Whether she told you about it or not...


How would you feel?

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