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liked this girl for years got the chance, maybe blew it...

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My name is Brad. I had a friend named Ben who had a guy he lived with Zane. Zane had a girlfriend of 3 years named Julie. I'd always try and talk to her when I would see her in the store and at my workplace with Zane. Just recently a month a little over they broke up... 3 weeks ago, I seen her at the restaurant I work in. Didnt get a chance to say hi, so I messaged her on Facebook and said oh hey lok. She responded I meant to say hi to you but didnt get the chance. She was there with an old friend. I played it off like I didn't know the guy but I did know him and he ia completely harmless in my situation. So I got her # from her off from Facebook of course. Then I began telling her things about my life basically catching up, then I told her I had an interest in her for along time. .. shes like no way you never showed it why didnt you say something. I said well you had a boyfriend. So then we start texting hitting it off pretty well texting back and forth then we started talking on yhe phone, our 1st conversation was 4.5 hours long... so we continued for a little over a week. Then she would say she would miss me when I didny text right back due to work, and then she wanted me tk come to her apartment at college so I did. Went up met her roommate and went to dinner. Mind you I drove thru 3 hours of blizzard snow... dinner went awesome. So we went back tk her apartment to watch a movie and talk. Watched ghe movie, it was getting late so I finally kissed her... she accepted. We cuddled hugged starting playing with my hair. Didnt have sex but slept together. I got up the next morning went to leave kissed her goodbye everything was okay so I thought... got to work she took forever to text back said she fell asleep... so I brushed it off. Then she said she felt guilty because she didn't know she would feek guilty until I was in her bed. She wasnt over her ex. Ao I apologized and kept talking she then came out and said she didnt feel the chemistry that we couldn't control and that I did everything I could that It was upto fate.... im not saying im a great looking guy but im not horrible. .. I was worried thd whole time talking to her that she was out of my league. .. so now im very sad about thks because I was really into her and she obviously wasn't to me. .. mind you im better lookibg than her ex.... now its just awkward depressed talk between each other

I dont want to give up on her I definitely felt something on my end.... WHAT DO I DO? I plan on getting a better appearance. .. I think that may have had something todo with it... I DONT KNOW, HELP!!!!!

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I plan on getting a better appearance



Oh you mean like a hair cut and a decent t.

Man i thought you were going under the knife, like tomorrow!


Just chill man, let it run it's course, I'd let her chase you, she seems to have the problems not you... be yourself, be honest, be nice, be fun - someone will thank you for it even if it's not her...

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