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Me again :)

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Hey guys,


I just went out with the ex again tonight. We discussed not seeing each other for a month or so and we decided that we should not do that because we still want to see each other. Some promising news though, I asked her if we could just go out sometime as kind of a date and start verrrry slowly again. She said that she already thought about that and that she will probably go for that. I plan on doing something this weekend with her. I am really glad that she is at least considering starting again, just really slow.


Not really much advice help this time, just telling you guys, especially Tony the news.


I hope that things go forward from now on, but I am not gettting my hopes up too high.



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You are pretty much a hopeless case. You just don't get it. But, you will have to learn on your own.


And I'm glad you're not getting your hopes up on this one.


You are playing too many of your cards way too soon. You didn't pay any attention to my posts.


But I do wish you all the luck in the world anyway!!!

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I know. I am a hopeless case. I will admit it. I am sorry that I have not taken your advice and I should not have even asked it if I am going to do this anyway for that matter.


I love being with her and we can still have a great time. Besides, what is the hurt of going on a little date? If I want to get back with her and she eventually comes around then that is what I want.


We will see how things go.



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...you need to get a grip.


You portray yourself as a wimpy doormat who has no self respect or self control. Deep down, women do not respect a guy like this. You come across as desperate, and obsessed with this woman. I read your posts about your birthday (before and after you went out)....pathetic, Ace...really pathetic. Where's your backbone? Where's your pride? She's never EVER going to want to really get back into a relationship with you unless you GET A GRIP and quit trying to hang on by a thread.


God, you're only 21. Chances are extremely high that this won't be the woman you marry. Why are you putting yourself through all this for one woman? Frankly, if I was her, I'd be really turned off.


You really are a sucker for punishment, aren't you? Why do you even ask for advice, if all you're going to do is whatever you feel like doing? People spend a lot of time trying to get through to you, but you just aren't getting it. What a waste.



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OK, the reason why I came to this forum, I THOUGHT that I needed advice and I WAS going to take it BUT things have changed with me and her.


I have said that I really appreicate you guys' help, but I have just decided to do this on my own. That really disgusts me how you can put down someone when they decide that what they decide is best for them. You guys do not know how I or she is feeling because you are not here.


I thought that this board was one that I could feel could comfortable telling you guys what I was feelings and everything. Now that me and the ex are getting very well and I and her are enjoying this and we are probably going to start going out again, this is good!


Thank you for the congratulations that I am happy!!


I don't care about you guys, as long as I am happy, that is all that matters. Thanks for putting me down!!!!

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Why did'nt you just type your entire post in capital letters to make sure he understands that you are yelling at him. Well....think of it this way at least he stood up to you! You need to get a grip....on your tongue.

...you need to get a grip. You portray yourself as a wimpy doormat who has no self respect or self control. Deep down, women do not respect a guy like this. You come across as desperate, and obsessed with this woman. I read your posts about your birthday (before and after you went out)....pathetic, Ace...really pathetic. Where's your backbone? Where's your pride? She's never EVER going to want to really get back into a relationship with you unless you GET A GRIP and quit trying to hang on by a thread.


God, you're only 21. Chances are extremely high that this won't be the woman you marry. Why are you putting yourself through all this for one woman? Frankly, if I was her, I'd be really turned off. You really are a sucker for punishment, aren't you? Why do you even ask for advice, if all you're going to do is whatever you feel like doing? People spend a lot of time trying to get through to you, but you just aren't getting it. What a waste.



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I understand how you feel, you are deeply in love with her.


The fact that she wants to date you again shows that she loves you deeply too, and she is a great girl.


BUT BE CAREFUL...please. Make sure from this point you grow yourself and let her be herself. That is SO important. Her feelings for you (romantic feelings) will not cultive until you stand up and be her MAN (remember that from your birthday post).


Don't follow her like a puppy, don't pointscore, don't crowd her in any way. Be independant, confident and attentive when SHE wants it. It sounds like you guys are really cozy together..thats super!, BUT that is not enough in the long run for a curious human being. I had a woman just last year say to me that I was a really wonderful man, but she said in the same breath that the thought of living with me for life would make her MISERABLE.


It is YOUR responsibility to allow her to grow. Also learn things together, respect HER opinions but put yours forward too.


I really wish you luck



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Thank you so much Oliver. I knew that someone would know what I was going through. In fact, I just asked her to go out on a "non date" evening Friday night to dinner and a movie. She accepted too. She wrote it to me in an email in which we were fooling around. She bolded, "non date", and I know that she is not ready to start getting serious with me yet, but if she accepts this then it is at least something. I will take it VERY slow from now on because that is what I am going to have to do. I believe if she is willing to go out with me again then if I do all the right things, then there is a very good possibility of us going out again.


Thank you again, Oliver.



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