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i think my girlfriend is cheating with my best freind

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Where do i start? Ive been seeing this girl for 6 months now and she always says she doesnt want anything serious but ive fell head over heels for her.Now i think she is seeing my best freind.The two of them has been acting really strange with me and all of a sudden she has been going out more when she wasnt doing that before.Im driving myself insane thinking about the two of them together.I went to have sex with her the other night and she turned away from me while saying oh no as if she was fed up sleeping with me but we still have a great laugh and get on really well with each other.We used to see each other 7 days a week but now its only 2-3 times a week.She now makes up excuses that she goes to her mums on a saturday all day and doesnt come do wn till late on saturday

night when she never use to go up at all.Friday and saturday use to be our night.I dont know what to do please help thanks.oh forgot to say she has been going straight out after dropping her kid off at school most mornings and dissapearing for 2-3 hours and she doesnt have any friends.I asked her if she wanted to spend the day with me she said yes at first then changed her mind 10 mins later.I could tell she had somethin more important on her mind and its as though she didnt want to spend the day when i first asked her.please help thanks again.

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Ask your best friend. Hopefully the nature of that relationship will cause him to tell you the truth when directly confronted.

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I did confront my friend he didnt sound to sure when he said no and i do back off for a while to see how she really feels.She always phones or txts to ask if i want to go to hers so im sure she still has feelings for me.thanks for the replies.well appreciate.

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ouch. I'm sorry man!


But hum - when someone says they don't want anything serious, sticking around and falling head over heals is sure to end up with you getting hurt.


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Sounds a little one sided, keep your options open. You may want to find other things to do rather than wait for her to free up her time. You can do better.

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