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I'm Calling Off the Search

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I'm a 26 year old, good looking and outgoing woman. I have lots of friends and a job I love - life is good. Unfortunately, I have never had a boyfriend. I have had casual flings but I have never in the 8 years I have been dating, met a guy who I would consider having a relationship with who also wanted the same. I have met 3 guys who I could fall in love with but all 3 ended up moving overseas for work.


All of my friends are now in long term relationships and as the hours at work get longer, I find I am having less and less opportunities to go out there and meet someone. More to the point - I have been "out there" meeting people for almost a decade and cannot seem to find a guy who I can have an intelligent conversation with and also have that 'spark'. So what is the point?! It is exhausting going out every weekend only to come home alone and more aware of my single status than ever.


I'm not depressed about how my life is turning out, or the fact that I cannot find a partner, but I am getting very tired of it and have started to believe I am on my own forever. I know I could find a boyfriend quite easily if I "settled" for someone who was less than what I dream about. But, although I'm not unrealistic about the men that are available to me, I refuse to get into a relationship just for the sake of it. Anyone else trying to come to terms with life as a single?

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You don't have to designate your life as 'life as a single'. Focus on enjoying life. Do things you like to do. Take classes, join clubs, travel. You'll make friends and maybe one of these days you won't be single anymore because you found a friend who knew a friend - but whatever happens, you won't have wasted perfectly good years bemoaning your state in life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jacqui, You sound exactly like what's in my head right now. I'm the same age about to be 27 and I have a ton of guy friends and I could have a boyfriend if I wanted one really bad but they guys that like me just aren't doing it for me and I'm with you about having what I want in my mind as far as my dream guy. All I want is someone to love me that I feel the same way about. I've been so down lately. I found out this week 2 of my ex boyfriends are engadged. That's the most terrible feeling in the world.


Then I have this guy that I don't know what to call. I guess we are friends with benefits. He's actually in my close circle of friends but no one really knows anything because we haven't admitted to anything yet. So I like him and want a relationship but he doesn't seem interested in one and I'm about to end it this weekend if I don't get what I want. I'm taking the benefits away.


So, to sum up my point, I know exactly how you feel.

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I have a friend that is going through this period. She wants to be with someone and will go through great lengths to find that person. People that are involved with someone take it far granted. But there are those people that desire to be others.


Please learn not to settle for the sake of having someone. Don't excuse bad or inattentive behavior as okay. You will find that person that you are to be with. Time is not or time. We want things like yesterday - just be patient and continue to allow the wonderful things inside come out to the world.

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