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Hi I'm new to this forum and badly need help to come out of the situation I am in.

I'm a person who loves truly and takes things too seriously..I fell in "LOVE" with this guy. I met him through mutual friends. We both were 17 then. It had been tak years of our relationship this September and we saw many ups and downs..I had always been possessive and he termed it as not trusting him. I stopped showing that I was possessiven. Off late we were going through a bad time due to his behavior and his "extra" closeness with girls. Which gf wouldnt have a problem with this?!. One fine day I told him, maintain distance with girls..and the next day he broke up with me. What was my fault? I loved him truly, I still love him. I trusted him too. I was also honest and loyal. He was never honest but I always forgave him..he broke up and told me I'm frustrating, I'm a burden on him and I'm not of his type. Do ppl take two years to realize that his gf is not of his type? After kissing and making out..and huge promises and those I love yous he said..he ended it by telling I'm a burden and never came back in contact..I saw his pics with few girls on fb and the happy life he is leading..did he not get affected at all by this break up? After spending so much time together..why did he just abandon me in this manner?I love him and am not able to live without him..I tried asking him if we could make things fine again..but be said he doesnt want to be in a relationship with me..I feel like dying..i feel cheated..I feel lost..I don't know how to come out of this feeling..it's been a month and there hadnot been a single day wen I dint cry..I miss him a lot and more than that I love him..I really really do..but he hates me..if he had to leave me..why did he promise things..I need answers..

I'm sorry for this very long msg I typed..but I needed to let out my feelings to someone..

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Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Unfortunately, it's all too common, especially among the younger crowd. Young men and women are fickle. He wants to see how green the grass is as a single guy, who doesn't have to check-in with his girlfriend. I know it sucks, but you're better off than with a guy who would not show you the respect and love you deserve.


I know it feels like you can't live without him right now, but you can and will. You're still young; you'll find love again and move on. And once he realizes that, he'll come beating down your door saying he messed up and wants you back. Hopefully you won't even want him at that point.


The best thing to do is to refrain from contacting him and looking at all his social media. This will not only help you heal faster, but it'll allow you to gain respect and control again. Be strong hun!

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