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Too late...?


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I cheated on my wife of two years and asked for divorce immediately thinking I had no other choice. Started the divorce process and while seeing the other woman I realized I was still constantly thinking of the wife and how much of a horrible mistake all my actions were. After five months me and the other woman ended it and agreed to not communicate.


The divorce has been recently finalized and I talked to the now ex-wife and she revealed she has been talking to someone else online. She wants to give it some time, remain friends, and see where things go. I did get some reassuring words from her about still considering me but I have thoughts she will slowly let go of me and will be putting her love into this new man.


Am I too late? Is there much anything I can do at this point? Or is it too soon to be judging and I'll just have to be patient?

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At this point it's probably too late. If the divorce hadn't been finalized & if she wasn't dating somebody else, I'd suggest marriage counseling but now you just have to find a way to move forward.

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