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Cold Remedies: Let's Have Them!

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I gargle with warm salt water and inhale salt water too then blow.


It helps to shrink the inflammation in the membranes.


If I have an earache with it I warm a little oil in a pan and soak it up with a piece of a cottonball. Then I put the piece of warm cottonball into my ear.


Drink lots of fluids too and get lots of rest.


I hope you feel better soon.

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I get them maybe once a year since I'm like Fitchick and try my best to keep other people away from me in public. Helps when it comes to not catching disease. I usually don't get the flu either even without a flu shot.


Not much you can do as a man besides getting rest and riding it out with a lot of tissues. If I ever found out a guy I knew was putting oil in his ear for pain relief the goofing on would be endless. :o

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I don't put oil in my ears. But then, my colds tend not to bother my ears.


I do keep pink flowers in my navel, but I'm sure everyone does that. They are kind of pretty.


I've found aspirin and Benadryl are a great combination. And I sleep as much as I can. I don't let my sinuses drain down my throat.


I once tried a Neti pot, which turned out to be a disaster.


I don't know why colds are so hard on me. My girlfriend thinks I'm a big baby. But I couldn't just push through it. Unless I was willing to let them last for a week or more. I get mostly back to normal in a few days.

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Boiled water with a lot of lemon and honey. It's a balsam for the throat!

Lots of sleeping too. And eating soups (chicken soup especially), drinking orange juices.


Edit; I take a cold about 3 times a year, for a week or so. It usually gets my nose and throat!

Edited by regine_phalange
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I take "Cold Fx" (concentrated ginseng extract) as more of a preventative measure. Not sure if it might have a placebo effect on me, but it works nonetheless.....


Did some research and many experts say that ginseng has no direct immunization capabilities. Have been using it for 5 winter seasons now and will continue to do so.

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don't get them often and they tend to only last 4 days or so *touch wood* (hope I don't get an awful one now :laugh:)


I hate hate hate being sick though - im such a git to everyone when I am :(


I do:

  • lots of paracetamol!
  • Sudafed spray - I know its bad for you but it makes me feel better
  • Hot Toddy - my nan swears by it, whisky, honey, lemon
  • Lucozade - only ever drink this when i'm sick
  • Exercise - If im inside when im sick then you know im really really sick, I think fresh air always makes you feel better and I believe that you can definitely 'sweat it out' when it comes to colds

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I tend to only get the beginnings of a cold now - I add coconut oil to oatmeal, with bananas, cinnamon, honey, and raisins. Sometimes, I eat the oil right off the spoon. Whenever my right ear swells up, and hurts, my gum does as well, so I brushed with a bit of the oil, a few times for two days, and it helped the swelling go down.


I also sometimes drink a mixture of 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (the good stuff, with the "mother" in it). You could also try a smoothie made with coconut milk or water, if the oil is gross to you.

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I rarely get sick but when I feel something coming on (one side sore throat, congestion, sneezing) I'm able to knock it completely out within 2-3 days without it progressing to anything further.


1. EmergenC powder supplement drink (two per day)

2. Alive women's multi-vitamin. (one per day)

3. Lots of WATER. Either bottled, or I make chamomile or peppermint tea. (no milk, no sugar, no honey, etc.)

4. Extra sleep and rest, I will wrap myself in warm blankets and veg on the couch.

5. 100% vegetable drinks. I like carrot juice. Last time I had a mild cold I drank an entire jug of it.

6. Old fashioned chicken noodle soup.

7. Raw garlic is a natural medicine. You're supposed to chew one piece of garlic raw. I got half down and I almost vomited though.

Edited by KatZee
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A recent thing I've found which has proven to work for me is warding off the cold when I feel it coming on.


I wasn't sure about these things initially but I've now had two opportunities to test their effectiveness and have been pleasantly surprised! Both my roommate and family members got sick around me during the holidays and I was in close proximity with all of them not to mention I was on airplanes with that stale air circulating, and I felt the usual tingle in my throat, slight stuffiness etc coming on. In the past nothing I did ever stopped it from becoming full blown, but currently and last month, I felt it and immediately I started taking Emergence-C and zinc supplements and both the first time and now it hasn't turned into a full blown cold.


So now that is my regimen. I try to catch my cold early and I will drink some of the Emergence-C about twice a day and take a zinc supplement (sometimes 2) and I keep hydrated with orange juice, pineapple juice and water. I also try to eat lots of healthy foods. I keep up this regimen of 2 or 3 Emergence-C mixes and zinc until I no longer feel that tingle. It has worked REALLY well for me. The last time I started running a fever and had a headache and felt the cold coming on but I did that and I felt better the next morning besides a slight tingle and I kept it up and it never got any worse, unlike my roommate who was coughing up her life. So now I swear by it and have given some to my dad who on Friday was dizzy and getting a cold and he now feels better and it didn't turn full blown.

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Chicken broth heavily spiced with cayenne pepper for your sinuses, a generous application of vick's vaporub for chest congestion, and a beer to soothe a sore throat.

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How long do colds last for you, and how often do you get them?


What do you do that makes the discomfort go away? Or do you just endure?


Every few years I'll get a cold, last about 3-4 weeks I guess. I don't do anything special except try to get more sleep if I can. I already optimize nutrition. Maybe more inclined to wear a hat or cover my ears.


I will drink an extra bottle of coconut water if I'm getting dehydrated from the flu, but for a cold I just ride it out.

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If I can tell I'm getting sick I up the vitamin C, get lots of fluids (water & tea with lemon. maybe honey.),I also eat chicken soup like it's going out of style and I sleep as much as I can.


I work in retail so I'm constantly getting touched by germy people or handling money or some other icky stuff so I keep airborne in my locker and if I am feeling a bit icky, I'll take one on break and I think it's in my head but I do feel better. :o

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Echinacea 2 400mg capsules every 4 hours for four days


lots of chicken soup, water, tea


roasted garlic, apple cider vinegar


cough syrup made from honey, whisky, apple cider vinegar


lots of carbs


Wild Turkey 101 proof


Get a cold maybe once a year.

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Sleep in.. making sure that the TV remote, cell phone and laptop are all within reach. If its garbage day, someone else will take care of it.


Drink lots of tea. This recipe works wonders:

light rum, vodka, tequila, cointreau, gin, cinnamon sticks, lemon juice, honey and hot tea.


Toasted bagel and tea for breakfast. (see above recipe).


Chicken soup for lunch.. plus a tea to follow (see above recipe).


Back in bed... watch a pointless movie with lots of explosions. Even better if some sort of movie marathon is on TV... like a Die Hard marathon (always a winner, especially if you have a cold at Christmas). Don't forget to drink tea during the movie (see above recipe).


Chances are, you will sleep some of the afternoon. You might not be hungry for dinner. But you should keep your fluid intake going. I'm thinking... tea...


Eat something at night though - but keep it light. Breakfast for dinner works. And if you have run out of tea, there is also coffee & baileys.

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Chicken broth heavily spiced with cayenne pepper for your sinuses, a generous application of vick's vaporub for chest congestion, and a beer to soothe a sore throat.


Oh, I'd forgotten about the soup I was making - a big pot of it, and adding at least 1 tablespoon of turmeric to it, along with paprika (1/2 teaspoon), and 1 1/2 teaspoons of something called Jamaican Jerk seasoning. I add all sorts of vegetables in a huge pot of water, let it cook for several hours, then add a can of beans, and some beef broth (four cups).

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echinacea - a t every two hours


encapsulated vitamin c - which is vitamin C with lecithin around the C particles. This will go straight to your bloodstream where as other forms of C are attacked by your digestive juices and you lose a lot of it's power.


You can make this (encapsulated Vit C) yourself as it's very expensive to buy.

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I don't put oil in my ears. But then, my colds tend not to bother my ears.


I do keep pink flowers in my navel, but I'm sure everyone does that. They are kind of pretty.


I've found aspirin and Benadryl are a great combination. And I sleep as much as I can. I don't let my sinuses drain down my throat.


I once tried a Neti pot, which turned out to be a disaster.


I literally laughed out loud and had to read hubby the posts so he'd know at what I was laughing!


I use the sinus rinse squeeze bottle vs the Netipot. And Hot toddies. If you dont have the 'toddy' brandy works well in tea. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Echinacea 2 400mg capsules every 4 hours for four days


lots of chicken soup, water, tea


roasted garlic, apple cider vinegar


cough syrup made from honey, whisky, apple cider vinegar


lots of carbs


Wild Turkey 101 proof


Get a cold maybe once a year.


I forgot to add, Eat an orange(peel and all) at least half of one a day,


LOTS of sleep AND lots of exercise, fresh air, sunshine and sex.


I also order the nasty germs/viruses to leave my body! :)

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