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Need Advise about work

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I'm at a point where I'm depressed about my job and very unhappy. I work in customer service where we support computer systems for about 900 stores nationwide and we're small helpdesk made up about 5-6 people on any given day. Our phone systems are setup where incoming calls will ring into certain techs depending on the techs call volumn and our phones has a feature where you can take yourself out of the loop in case you have to work on something and you won't get any incoming calls.


Well, my boss monitors this all the time and I use it when needed but only when I'm dealing with things that requires research or other work related thing - I mean afterall we have to fix and solve problems regarding software and hardware and sometimes it requires having to download files to that system.


Well it seems my boss singles me out because no sooner I take myself out of the loop he is riding my butt about it, well it hasn't been to bad until today. Today we had a case where a shipment apparently got lost, where it was being delivered to nobody seemed to have seen it and I had to obtain tracking and delivery information which required having to talk to someone else and then having to go downstairs to look up on our shipping computer to find out the shipping information.


Well, apparently in the midsts of doing so, supposedly I was shown being away from 40 minutes which I dispute, but that's besides the point, and my boss totally jumps down my throat because I was away from my desk and not on the phone. Well, I try to explain to him that I was researching this and that's not good enough for him. So finally I get the tracking information, make a few more contacts and then because he's my boss I made him aware of the fact that we had several pieces of equipment that got lost or something, his first resposne is "You're still researching this damn thing, why aren't you on the phone".


To make matters worse, later I'm working with two different people on the phone oin doing some hardware conversion and on someone else's computer via MSN he messages me, but I'm busy so I am not paying attention. For one, because the MSN message was coming from someone who can wait until I'm done and secondly finally someone came up to me telling me to check my message and I see crap like:








and he's just going on and finally, oblivious to the fact it was my boss, I responded saying "Chill the hell out I'm busy" and then he informs me it's my boss and crap and then he's like "Now I'm really ****ing pissed".


This man has a mentality that there is never a reason for why we shouldn't be on the phone, to him we should be on the phones from 8 AM to 5 PM non-stop, I cannot reason with him and I'm at a point I don't know what to do.


Can someone offer me advise?

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well, sounds like my old boss to me.


i used to work at a produce market/flower shop, was and still is a very popular flower and produce delivery center, any who....

my one boss sounds EXACTLY like yours. she expected us to be unloading the flower and produce truck EVERY second of the day, but to answer the phone when it rang.


so, i'd be unloading everything, and the phone would ring, sooo i'd go answer it, and take the people's orders, i don't know why or how, but EVERY time she saw me i was on that damn phone. so the one day she finally snapped, explaining to me that i am ALWAYS on the phone and never unloading the produce, etc, yadda yadda.


so, what *I* did, is, i waited until it was closing time, and i took her aside after the busy day was done, and she had cooled off, and explained to her that i *was* doing my job, but for some reason, she always caught me on the phone. always! she was a very stubborn woman, one of those "my way or the high way" kinda ppl.


you seem like you have a much more important job than i did, but, still....bosses can be an absolute pain.

if i was in your position, i'd let it go in one ear and out the other. *you* know that you're doing what you need to do, and the MSN thing, simply talk to him, or email him, about what had happened - how u were on the phone w/2 ppl, and had no idea it was him sending the msg.


if he can't understand or deal with it, tough. i'm in college right now studying business management, and a big thing you learn is how to bend yourself, do deal w/diversity and learn that everyone isn't exactly like you or thinks like you, so he should have enough....integrity and respect to not be so freakin harsh. could also be the possibility that perhaps he has a bad family life...could be many reasons why he is the way he is.


take a night and watch Office Space if you haven't already. GREAAAAAT movie, many many laughs.


hope you're boss-o-man lightens up a bit!




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I'm shocked, I thought I had it bad.

My boss is a cutie compared to yours.


Find something else. It's not a good environment to be in.

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