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Why am I obsessed with guys???

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I was obsessed with my therapist, whom I had a very long crush with and it scared me. Like I was obsessed with him, not like stalking or calling him, but in my mind, like I thought about him 24/7 and I literally couldn't wait to go to the appointments I had with him. Then another guy comes along earlier this year (I would say April) And ever since April I have been obsessed with this guy named Ryan. Like I said I don't stalk, but I it's like I do it in my head, haha! But I am scared. I'm scared if this is a problem, and my therapist who I had an obsession with is nothing to me. Like I could care less about seeing him ever since Ryan came into my life. Literally Ryan affects my life in a way. When he doesn't call me or get in touch with me I am immediately in a deep depression, and a real deep depression cause I think "He doesn't care about me"



I tried going out with other guys, but for some reason I go back to Ryan, it's like I am so obsessed with him. I constantly talk about him to my mother haha! But seriously, I am scared of myself, and what's funny is that you would never think I am obsessed with him, cause I don't text or call him, I don't talk about him to my friends. I keep everything hidden, but to my mother. It's like I am under a spell I can't get myself out of. Like I said I dated other guys, but all I thought about was Ryan the whole time, and I can't date Ryan cause of many reasons that are too long to go through, thus why I am trying to look for someone else, but nobody is budging.



I am scared of myself. I hate that he is always on my mind 24/7 I think the world of him basically and I don't like that. I don't like too, that he affects my life, like i'm happy when I hang out with him and I am sad and miss him when I am not with him. When I am around him I am insecure if he likes other girls, and I play it off like "I don't care" when I really do. I hide my feelings with him, like he doesn't know how much I care and love him and I feel like I am crazy for acting like that.



Please tell me your opinion and what I should do? if you want more info, please ask! Thank you!

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