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Merry Christmas all my LSer friends

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As I lay here on my couch watching a Christmas movie with my cat on my lap I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Just remember everyone, next year everything will be better. We are all in this together. Y'all enjoy the time together.

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Christ is Love

I feel the exact same way . Praying to God that next year this time my life will be further ahead and healing will be further along.


I'm spending time with family on Christmas Eve and this makes me feel better.


Merry Christmas to you!

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Got divorced in early of September. Got to know a divorced woman in last week. I'm deeply attracted by her. I expressed my feeling to her and got negative feedback. It seems I'm not her type. Sad and lonely Xmas.

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It's finally over......got the kid to bed and pulled the "Santa thing" off without a hitch. Her mother (WS/XW) just dropped by to have a quick smog (cigarette) with me to see what I got her (my daughter); funny, last year this time all I wanted for Christmas was her head to explode :). For all you folks new to the thrill of divorce......it WILL get better next holiday season......you don't want to know what a train wreck I was last year. Keep working on YOU and I know you'll be amazed at the progress you make!


I want to wish all my "LS Homies" a good Christmas and a "healing" new year!

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I just finished wrapping all the kids presents and go their stockings stuffed. The living room looks nice. It looks warm. It looks like there is a lot of love here, even though until tomorrow morning, there's nobody here but me.


Outside, I see a lot of people walking down the sidewalk, and cabs dropping people off....everybody is working their way home from Christmas parties. There's a little light snow falling. Most places on the street are dark, but lit up Chriatmas trees show through a lot of windows. A couple of years ago, I didn't ever want to see this stuff again. It still makes me lonely, but I'm feeling happier. Tomorrow, it's all about me and the kids.


Merry Christmas. Better times ahead.

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Shocked Suzie

Merry Xmas all, nearly done n dusted here.... Had a really nice day and looking forward to tomorrow got friends over for food and beach weather permitting.


So pleased today went well, my kids are happy and there was no void of their dad not being about...he had the option to come and see them today but chose his new family, calling his kids to wish them happy Christmas lunch time!


Had the worst few weeks running up to Xmas, he is toxic! Done yet more unforgivable things... It's now down to the law and child support to sort him out. I've decided to not count on him in any shape or form with regards to his children and financial support... He now no longer will take any space in my thoughts/life.


He can now add fraud, avoidance of child support and compulsive liar to his list... No idea where the man I married has gone! His new wife to be is very welcome to him.


This Christmas is so much clearer than last and the new year will be so much clearer thankfully


Thanks to all LS'ers xxxx

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Shocked Suzie

...onward and upwards guys!! For those who are where I was this time last year, time heals... Find inner happiness


SS x

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Hi guys


My little ones presents are under the tree and his little electric car is built. Tough Christmas, I'm living with my elderly father who unfortunately was struck with sepsis at the start of this month and has turned a bit incontinent. Feels like the worst Christmas ever but I'm hoping to try to get my own place next year and get off the mortgage with the stbxw. I hope all of us get everything we hope for and all heal well. Take care and all the very best for 2014.

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