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Christmas Loneliness!


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Hi all, and merry Christmas!!

Finally I got the guts to post on such forums. :)


I have been single for about 1.5 years now. I’m a 32 year old man and still looking to find a girl for a committed relationship that I really like, even though I have been to plenty of dates this year and I’m always out socializing and I’m a very active person in community events, running my own business, charity work, etc. so I get to meet new people often. But still nothing and sometimes I just feel giving up. I either attract girls I’m not so into, or the ones I like are not too into me. I’m good looking and I do take care of myself, but I look a lot younger than my age, around 25-26, even with full beard, which is probably the reason I mostly attract a lot younger girls who I really cannot connect with.


The worst part is that even though I’m the one who broke up with my ex I still haven’t get over the fact that she got engaged after dating a guy for 1 month, 4 months after we broke up. I really have no feelings for her, and no communication at all, but sometimes it still annoys the hell out of me to think that she’s probably all happy in her life and I’m still not even close to where I want to be. And this because the guy she met was from a job I manage to get for her to help her out, so basically I’m the reason of how her life turned out to be, whereas she absolutely did nothing to affect mine.


I don’t think about this too often, but I do when I really feel lonely especially during Christmas season and I just felt the need to express this.

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I haven't liked the holidays for years. I grew up with very magical Christmases, but once I became an adult, there was this melancoholy surrounding the holidays for me. I can't really explain it. I guess it's partly because I don't "measure up" in regard to a husband and family where most people are at my age. Maybe part of it too is the shorter amount of daylight and some seasonal depression But once the clock turns midnight on January 1, I oddly enough feel better. That's when I start looking toward spring :)

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